標題: 國小教師資訊素養與環境因素對使用教用版電子教科書影響之研究
Taiwan Elementary School Teachers’ Information Literacy and External Environmental Factors on Their Experience of Using Teacher-Version Electronic Textbooks
作者: 余心蓓
Yu, Shin-Pei
關鍵字: 國小教師;電子教科書;資訊素養;環境因素;使用滿意度;elementary teachers;electronic textbooks;information literacy;environmental factors;user satisfaction
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本研究以國內各地區具有使用教用版電子教科書經驗之國小教師為對象,旨在瞭解教師的個人背景因素與資訊素養是否會影響其使用電子教科書的行為與滿意度,並且進一步探討環境因素在教師資訊素養與使用電子教科書滿意度之間的調節效果。本研究共蒐集758份有效問卷,使用探索性因素分析來檢驗使用之工具,包含「電子教科書使用滿意度量表」、「教師資訊素養量表」與「環境因素量表」,並以卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析與多元階層迴歸分析等統計方法分析資料並考驗假設。主要研究發現如下: 一、多數教師每周使用電子教科書約1至5節課,每節課平均使用時間在11-20分鐘之間,對於電子教科書的整體滿意度佳。 二、教師個人背景中的「任教偏遠地區」與「搭配硬體設備」對於使用電子教科書的滿意度有顯著差異,任教非偏遠地區的教師滿意度明顯高於偏遠地區教師,使用電子白板作為搭配硬體之教師的滿意度也較高。 三、教師資訊素養對於使用電子教科書的滿意度具有顯著的正向預測力。 四、教師所在的環境因素中,「資訊設備」、「學校支持」、「學校風氣」、「培訓機制」對教師資訊素養與電子教科書滿意度之間皆不具有調節效果。 最後,本研究針對上述發現,進行討論,並提出若干建議供未來研究、教師及行政人員參考。
The main purpose of this study was to explore if there were differences among elementary school teachers’ behavior and satisfaction of their using teacher-version electronic textbooks owing to teachers’ differences in personal background and information literacy. Furthermore, the current study seeks to explore the moderating effect of environmental factors on the relationship between teachers’ information literacy and the satisfaction of using electronic textbooks. The participants were 758 teachers from the elementary schools in all areas of Taiwan. The questionnaires used in this study included the Electronic Textbooks Satisfaction Inventory, the Inventory of Teacher Information Literacy, and the Inventory of Environmental Factors. The applied analysis methods were exploratory factor analysis, chi-square test, one-way ANOVA and hierarchical regression. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1) Most teachers used electronic textbooks about 1-5 classes per week, and between 11-20 minutes per class. In general, teachers' satisfaction with the use of electronic textbooks was good. 2) Background factor of “Teaching in remote areas” or “Teaching with hardware devices” had significant effect on satisfaction with electronic textbooks. 3) Teachers' information literacy for the satisfaction with electronic textbooks had significant positive predictive power. 4) Environmental factors did not show moderating effect between teachers’ information literacy and the satisfaction with electronic textbooks. This study discussed the results based on the statistical findings, and proposed suggestions and implications for teachers and for future studies.


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