標題: 考量高速公路主線與交流道車流延滯因素下之鄰近連接幹道之號誌控制最佳化模式
A Signal Optimization Model to Minimize the Total Vehicle Delay on the Freeway Interchange and Local Arterial
作者: 陳彥佑
Chen, Yen-Yu
Wang, Jin-Yuan
Chang, Gang-Len
關鍵字: 過飽和;號誌控制;車道間互相堵塞;路段回堵;最佳化;Oversaturated;Signal Control;Lane Blockage;Spillback;Optimization
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 交通擁塞一直是大多數都市面臨的課題。交通擁塞不只會造成能源的消耗,也會為環境帶來汙染。在都市的尖峰時間,許多幹道都呈現過飽和的情況,過飽和的情況可能會造成車輛回堵到上游路 口、左轉與直行車輛相互堵塞,或是因各轉向比間之差異,造成某車道之等候列隊長度較相鄰車道長,進而增加駕駛人變換車道的行為。另外,都市路網常與高速公路相連接,但高速公路與一般地方道路通常分屬不同的主管機關,在號誌設計方面常常出現歧見,高速公路主管單位希望可以盡量紓解高速公路上的車流,而地方主管機關則希望可以優先疏解地區道路的車流。因此整合考量高速公路與地方道路的車流狀況,訂定出一個讓整體路網效率最佳化的號誌時相是一件重要的工作。本研究目的為在整體考量高速公路以及地方道路的車流狀況下,建立一個號誌最佳化模式,以期讓整體路網的效率達到最佳化。本研究最後將TRANSYT-7F以及TRANSYT 14與本模式求解出之最佳化號誌時制分別放入TSIS模擬,結果發現本模式在近飽和或是過飽和狀態下,皆能有效降低平均每車延滯或是提高最大通過量。
Traffic jams are a big issue in most cities. The traffic jam causes energy waste and air pollution. Arterials in some urban areas are often oversaturated in peak hours. Oversaturated conditions include spillback, lane blockage, and unbalance queue which is caused by different turning ratio and will increase lane-changing behavior. Urban networks usually include local arterials and freeway interchanges. Local arterials are within the compass of local governments, but freeways are under the jurisdiction of the Taiwan Area National Freeway Bureau. They have different opinions on traffic signal plans of the intersection which connects with the off-ramp and neighboring intersections. This study proposes a generalized signal optimization model for an interchange area including a segment of the freeway and several arterial intersections under oversaturated conditions. The optimized signal timings from TRANSYT-7F, TRANSYT 14, and the proposed model input into TSIS for comparison. The result presents that the proposed model reduces total delay or increases total throughput under oversaturated conditions as well as near-saturated conditions.