標題: 品牌形象影響消費者購買羽球拍意願之研究-以台北國立大學羽球社團學生為例
A Study of the Impact of Brand Image on Purchase Intention for Badminton Rackets: A Case of Badminton Clubs' Students of National Universities in Taipei Area
作者: 江美儀
Chiang, Mei-Yi
Chiang, Chi
Chen, Guang-Hua
關鍵字: 品牌形象;購買意願;羽球拍;Howard-Sheth模式;Brand Image;Purchase Intention;Badminton Rackets;Howard-Sheth model
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 近年來,隨著生活型態的轉變與人民所得的提升,使得羽球運動快速於全球發展,由貴族專屬的娛樂活動轉變為一項大眾化且生活化的休閒運動。「羽毛球」是一項具備速度、技巧、體能並兼具力與美,為世界矚目且熱愛的競技運動。自1992年起,奧林匹克運動會也將「羽毛球」列為正式比賽的項目之一。目前,全台灣從事羽球運動的人口數也達到一百萬人之多,同時,政府也積極推動各地區運動中心的興建,落實全民運動的健康概念。 本研究主要探討台北地區國立大學羽球社團學生之羽球拍購買意願,是否受到品牌形象之影響。採用Howard-Sheth模式之消費者決策作為觀念性架構,以羽球拍之消費者基本特徵、購買品牌、資訊來源、產品屬性、購買動機以及品牌形象作為投入變數。針對台北地區國立大學羽球社團學生進行問卷調查,共蒐集412份有效問卷,將回收之問卷資訊進行次數分配、因素分析、獨立樣本t檢定、卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析、雪費事後比較法以及迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析。 研究結果顯示: (1)羽球拍消費者在不同消費者基本特徵對於購買品牌、資訊來源、購買動機、產品屬性、品牌形象以及購買意願變數上皆有顯著影響。 (2)品牌形象對於購買意願有顯著影響。
During recent years, the change of people’s lifestyles and their rising income have resulted in rapidly developing of the sport of badminton around all over the world. Playing badminton has become a popular and common recreation instead of an exclusive entertainment for the noblesse. A lot of people from all over the world have devoted to the sport of badminton because of its strength and beauty with speed, skill, and physical agility. Since 1992, badminton has been listed officially as one of the competitions in Olympic Games. Up to now, more than one million people have joined in playing badminton in Taiwan. Furthermore, the government has also been strongly supports the construction of regional sports centers and is promoting the concept of the universal health. The main purpose of this research is to study whether and how the brand image will affect the purchase intention of badminton rackets for the students in badminton clubs of national universities in Taipei Area. We adopt the Howard-Sheth model as a conceptual framework to study consumer decision process. Demographic factors, purchase brand, information sources, product of attributes of badminton rackets, purchase motivation and brand image are regarded as independent variables. Our samples aim at the students who have joined the badminton clubs and are studying in the national universities in Taipei Area. In this study, we collected 412 valid questionnaires are corrected, and have been used by various statistical methods, such as number of distribution, factor analysis, independent t-test, Person’s chi-square test, One-way ANOVA, Scheffe’ method and Regression Analysis, to test hypothesis. The results show that (1) the demographic variables of badminton rackets consumers have siginificant difference from purchase brand, information resources, product of attributes evaluation criteria, purchase motivation, brand image and purchase intention; (2) the brand image has positive relationship on customer’s purchase intention.