標題: 促銷活動影響消費者在西式速食餐廳消費行為之研究-以台北市居民為例
The Influence of Promotion Activities on Consumers’ Consuming Behavior at the Western Fast food Restaurant-The Case of Taipei City Residents
作者: 程柏榮
Chen, Quang-Hua
關鍵字: 西式速食餐廳;商店形象;消費者行為;促銷活動;Western fast food restaurants;store image;consumer behavior;promotion activity
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 近年來,因社會發展及生活型態的改變,外食人口比例激增,西式速食餐廳扮演不可或缺的腳色,紛紛擴大經營,競爭也愈趨激烈 ,而如何有效吸引消費者上門消費成為一項重要課題。消費者對於速食餐廳需求不再僅是重視產品與服務,還考量便利性、整體環境等因素,除此之外,店家所採用的行銷活動,消費者反應也不盡相同,故本研究目的是希望透過了解消費者所重視的餐廳屬性,來探討不同消費者在西式速食餐廳消費時,因對餐廳屬性與行銷活動的重視程度不同而影響其消費行為。 本研究以哈佛修正模式中的消費者決策程序為主要的研究架構,並以在台北市西式速食餐廳消費的消費者為問卷為調查對象,有效問卷數406份。本研究使用統計軟體SPSS.12.0.作為資料分析工具,採用敘述性統計分析、信度分析、效度分析、因素分析、單因子變異數分析、卡方檢定和迴歸分析。研究結果顯示,不同的消費者在人口統計變數、消費實態、資料來源、消費動機和促銷活動的重視程度上均有顯著的差異。
In recent years, with the change of social development and lifestyle, proportion of fastfood junkie have surged up .Western fast food restaurants play an indispensable role, expanding its operation and arising more competition, and how to effectively attract consumers become an important issue. Demand of consumers for western fast-food restaurants are not only products and services, but also convenience, the overall environment or others,besides,those shops adopted marketing activities , consumer reactions are also not same.Therefore,the purpose of this study wants to understand the store image constructs valued by consumers,so we examine the different consumers for western fast-food restaurants how to be affectd by differenence in perception level of elements of store image and promotion activities. This study uses the revised Howard-Sheth Model’s consumer decision-making process as center of the research framework. The targets of the questionnaire surveys were focused on Taipei city’s Western fast food restaurants consumers, and the total number of effective survey is 406 copies. The statistical tools were spss.12.0.Analysis methodologies are descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, validity analysis, factor analysis, one-way ANOVA, chi-squared and regression analysis. Study result shows that the different consumer are tested to have significant between demographic variables and different emphasis level of actual consumption, source of information, motivation of consumption, and promotion activity.