標題: 品牌權益影響消費者購買品牌香水之行為研究 -以台北市消費者為例
A Study on the Impact of Brand Equity on Purchase Intention for Branding Perfume
作者: 江育萍
Chiang, Yu-Ping
Chiang, Chi
Chen, Quang-Hua
關鍵字: 品牌香水;品牌權益;消費者行為;產品屬性;perfume;Brand Equity;Consumer Behavior;Product Attribute
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 香水已經不再只是在重大場合時,才會想到的產品,而是在生活當中,已經變成一種不僅僅是必需品更是一種時尚的象徵。不同的香味代表著不同的個性,各個品牌所展現的香味以及特質特性都不相同,近年來各品牌更是大量的推出象徵品牌的香水系列,讓消費者對於品牌感受度更是大大提升。 品牌概念近年來逐漸被消費者所重視,消費者在購買品牌香水時,不僅只考量到產品所帶來的功能,更會考慮到產品品牌所帶來其他的利益,包括了心理層面及情感層面,甚至是象徵性的意義,因此品牌的經營對於時尚產業而言是一項重要的策略。 本研究採用Aaker所提出之品牌權益模式做為整體概念架構,並以EKB模式做為消費者行為理論基礎;研究變數則分為人口統計變數、產品屬性變數、品牌權益變數與購買時態變數與資訊來源變數共五組變數。本研究透過網路問卷之方式,對台北市消費者進行抽樣調查,總計回收445份,扣除無效問卷之後有效問卷共401份,且利用統計軟體SPSS進行因素分析、卡方檢定、變異數分析。 研究結果顯示,不同人口統計變數之消費者對於購買品牌香水之產品屬性重視程度以及對於品牌權益之認知程度皆有顯著差異,本研究建議品牌香水業者,可以針對不同族群訂定不同的市場區隔與行銷策略,也可以透過像是部落格或是美妝網站等的宣傳推廣,有效吸引更多消費者的目光。
In recent years, the brand concept is gradually being valued by consumers. When the consumers buy brands of perfume, they will not only take into account the function of the product, but also consider the product benefits such as the psychological and emotional level and symbolic significance, thus the brand for the fashion industry in terms of business is an important strategy. The study uses Aaker’s brand equity model as the frame of the study and uses EKB model as the base of the consumer behavior. In order to analyze the data, 401 valid questionnaires were collected from consumers in Taipei City, and used SPSS to do the statistical analysis. The result shows that different demographic variables have significant differences on product attributes and brand equity. This study suggests that brand perfume industry, they can set different market segments and marketing strategies for different groups, also available through such website Beauty blog or other promotion websites, effective in attracting the attention of more consumers.