Title: 外包在管理領域之研究---以作者共引文方式
A Study of Outsourcing in Management By Using Author Co-citation Analysis
Authors: 李泰熾
Lee, Tai-Chih
Yang, Chyan
Keywords: 外包;作者共引文分析;Outsourcing;Author Co-Citation analysis
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 外包這議題已經從地方到全球,特別現在是講求專業化的時代,外包是不可缺少的。本研究利用作者共引文的分析法(Author co-citation analysis, ACA)去針對外包 (Outsourcing)做分析。ACA提供了一個完善的方法讓我們去檢視其研究發展趨勢及架構,ACA主要的概念是藉由計算兩個作者被其他人所共同引用的次數,來了解他們彼此之間的相關性。本研究所採用的資料均來自 SCI 資料庫。 本研究依外包領域中,將其領域論文被引用的次數,依序蒐集前60篇,並取其之第一作者作為我們分析的資料,再經由ACA的方法處理數據,接著利用多元尺度化分析 Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) 以及群集分析 Clustering Techniques (CT) 將外包的動態知識架構繪出,最後利用因素分析 Factor Analysis(FA)去驗證其完整性。經過上述的分析結果,我們可以勾勒出外包領域中的知識架構圖,可以大致將其區分為三大區塊 : 1.Economics; 2.Supplier Selection, Scale Economics, R&D and Innovation; 3.IT outsourcing, Inter-firm and KM, and Operation Management,希望透過這個架構圖,能提供未來的研究者一個較為明確的方向。
Outsourcing has been extended from the local to the whole world. Outsourcing is an indispensable, especially in era of specialization. The goal of this paper is to present a visual mapping of intellectual structure in two-dimensions and to identify the subfields of the outsourcing through author co-citation analysis. Author Co-citation analysis provides a good technique that contributes to the understanding of intellectual structure in the sciences and possibly in other areas to extent that those areas rely on formal scholarly communication. It is a form of document coupling the frequency with two authors which their paper are cited by the same person. In this thesis we make an experiment by using data from SCI and SSCI database system to identify clusters of highly inter-related documents in the subject of outsourcing. The study ranks the outsourcing documents by times cited and collects first top 60 articles’ authors. Also, we use multidimensional scaling(MDS) and clustering techniques (CT) to create the two-dimensional maps to display the dynamic intellectual structure of outsourcing, based on scholars citing their work by its ranking. The conclusion would provide further research for the researchers.
Appears in Collections:Thesis