標題: 學習共同體之課堂教學模式「協同學習法」對國中八年級學生數學學習態度及學業成就影響之研究-以一元二次方程式為例
The Effects of Collaborative Learning in Mathematics Learning for Eighth Grade Students —An Example of Quadratic Equation of One Variable
作者: 陳凱謙
Yu, Chi-Jer
關鍵字: 學習共同體;協同學習法;數學態度;數學成就;一元二次方程式;learning community;collaborative learning;mathematics attitude;mathematics achievement;quadratic equation of one variable
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 摘要 本研究旨在探討學習共同體之課堂教學模式「協同學習法」對國中八年級學生在學習「一元二次方程式」單元的數學學習成效之影響。 本研究採準實驗研究法,研究樣本取自桃園縣某國中之八年級兩班共57名學生,實驗組實施「協同學習法」,控制組實施「傳統講述教學法」,進行一個月的實驗教學。以「數學成就測驗」、「數學態度量表」作為研究工具進行資料蒐集以做量的分析,並輔以「學生對於分組協同學習之感受問卷」及訪談做質的研究。本研究獲得以下結論: 一、接受「協同學習法」的全體學生及高、中、低分群學生,雖在數學學習成就上,與接受「傳統講述教學法」的學生無顯著差異,但對其學習成就仍具有正面效果。 二、接受「協同學習法」的高分群學生,在數學學習成就的保留效果上,顯著優於接受「傳統講述教學法」的學生。對於接受「協同學習法」的全體學生及中、低分群學生,雖在數學學習成就的保留上,與接受「傳統講述教學法」的學生無顯著差異,但對其學習成就之保留仍具有正面效果。 三、接受「協同學習法」的全體學生及中分群學生,在數學學習態度上顯著優於接受「傳統講述教學法」的學生。對於接受「協同學習法」的高、低分群學生,雖在數學學習態度上,與接受「傳統講述教學法」的學生無顯著差異,但對其學習態度仍具有正面效果。 四、實驗組學生大部分對「協同學習法」抱持肯定的態度,認為此教學法對於學習「一元二次方程式」是有幫助的,能產生自信心、學習動機且學習過程較為認真,希望爾後數學課都能用此種方式,尤其以中分群的學生更為肯定「協同學習法」對其數學學習態度的提升。 最後,研究者根據研究結果提出具體建議,以作為數學教學及未來研究之參考。 關鍵詞:學習共同體、協同學習法、數學態度、數學成就、一元二次方程式
Abstract The purpose of the study was to explore the effects of learning community in classroom teaching “Collaborative Learning” on eighth grade students’ mathematics learning attitudes and achievements for learning “Quadratic Equation of One Variable”. The study adopted a pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design. The subjects of the study were 57 eighth-graders from two classes in Taoyuan. The experimental group was subjected to the pedagogy of “Collaborative Learning”, and the control group received traditional “Didactic Instruction”. Then, this experimental teaching was carried out for one month. On one hand, we used “the questionnaire of mathematical learning attitudes” and “ the achievement test on the quadratic equation of one variable” to do quantitative analysis. On the other hand, “the qusetionnaire for students’ perception of the collaborative learning” and the interview with the students were used as an aid in the qualitative analysis. The conclusions of this study were as follows: 1. There was no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group in their mathmatics learning achievements. However, the average score of the experimental group in the achievement test was higher than the control group. It could be shown that “Collaborative Learning” had a few positive influences on students of the experimental group. 2. The mathmatics learning retention of high score subgroup students was significantly superior to those in the control group. Nevertheless, for the whole group, medium score subgroup and low score subgroup students, there was no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group in their mathmatics learning retention. Still, there were some absolute influences. 3. The attitudes toward mathematics learning in the whole group, medium score subgroup students of the experimental group were significantly better than those of the control group. But for the high score subgroup and the low score subgroup students of the experimental group and the ones of the control group, there was no significant difference about mathmatics learning attitudes between them. Yet there were certain influences. 4. Most of the students in the experimental group perceived that Collaborative Learning was helpful and effective. They not only had more confidence and motivation but learned more seriously when learning the concept of quadratic equation of one variable. They also agreed that such a teaching approach could be adopted more often in the future and offered praise for the improvement in their mathmatics learning attitudes by receiveing Collaborative Learning, especially for the medium score subgroup students of the experimental group. Based on the result of the experiments, we proposed a concrete suggestion for mathmatics teaching and future study. Key Words: learning community, collaborative learning, mathematics attitude, mathematics achievement, quadratic equation of one variable