標題: 建築的滲透性- 以滲透作為空間策略
Permeability in Architecture
作者: 林文婷
Lin , Wen-Ting
Kung, Shu -Chang
關鍵字: 滲透性;Permeability
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 當不同濃度的溶液相遇時,水分子會經由擴散方式通過細胞膜,直到細胞內外的濃度平衡為止,這樣的現象稱為滲透。 如果我們將建築視為處理空間容器與人活動關係的介質,空間的定義與疆界則不是孤立或單一的存在,人的活動將滲透於空間, 發生對話與產生互動關係。此時相鄰的空間就不再只是實牆,而是有意識且選擇性的安排計畫並相互連通,創造不同的活動關 係與空間的層次。 滲透性的建築即是一種存在區別但卻又有所聯繫的空間手法。本論文從不同的空間尺度與面向探討建築空間的滲透關係,從一 面牆到都市空間尺度,探討以各種手法使建築與環境、人的活動交織在一起,產生互融的新生活關係。 滲透性的皮層 滲透性的表皮是非絕對的介質,除了回應外在的變化,使外部環境流動到室內,由外而內或由內而外的使人感受到空間中的陽光、 風與空氣的流動,光影也隨時間不斷推移,同時也創造新的視覺模式,內外的界線在此時變得曖昧並具有多種表情與功能 。 生活介面的蔓延 建築不光只是設計好空間即可,更多時候我們可以提出對社會政策有利的觀點。社會住宅本意是達成居住正義,帶入年輕族群的 創業計畫,和鄰里社區結合的工作室商業空間,並創造可以隨時間改變而彈性使用的住宅空間,創造社會住宅與周遭鄰里關係互 融的新生活。 都市空間的滲透性 城市中的基礎建設在都市中扮有重要的地位,但像高架橋這樣的巨大物件往往成為切斷連續都市空間或者成為陰暗的邊緣空間。 運用滲透性手法,使人的活動重新被帶入高架橋,都市中的基礎建設即能成為豐富的線狀綠帶空間。 從自然環境到人工的巨大建設,滲透性的建築給予柔和的姿態軟化了這些該有的疆界,透過各種軟體工具與嘗試各種建築的可 能性。不論是一個小的開窗葉片或者一片新的活動都市空間,隨著時間的推移而改變使用的用途,彈性使用的機會使空間有更 多可能性產生。
Permeability means the state or quality of being permeable. In chemistry, permeability means the movement of fluids and molecules between the compartments or describes gas or vapor through a solid substance. Space can not only see as a single object or container for one function. Human’s activities and behavior will affect the space, interact with the space. So the space is not only defined by solid hard wall, but replace by more interesting program and different layers of the space. Use permeability as a space strategy, defining the space with each character but also connect with each others. This thesis attempts to explore the different scales of the permeability in architecture. By using various methods to make the space container mingles with environment and human’s activities. Permeability in Facade Permeability in facade is not in a dead or regular status. It can response to the outside’s situation, bring the sun and wind comes in to the interior. People can feel the breeze, the sun and the beauty of shadow’s changing. At the same time, it will change the way we look at things. A variety of expressions of the facade vague the boundary of outside and inside, gives more potential to save the energy and power. Permeability in Living Boundary A space designer can bring more powerful effect on society program. By bringing the young talent program into the social housing site, provides the better relationship link with the community. Besides, with the time goes by, living space should have more flexibility to adjust family’s life. Permeability in Urban Space Infrastructure often plays an important role in a city. Instead of abandon the highway area as a dark side of city, we should bring more activities into the zone. Transfer a city barrier into a linear green space. Permeability in architecture soften the boundaries of the space, brings the atmosphere into a different status. The space becomes changeable and flexible to more possible opportunities.