標題: LED顯示屏之產品組合優化
Optimizing Product Portfolios for LED Display
作者: 游志偉
關鍵字: 產品組合;線性規劃;限制理論;發光二極體顯示屏;Product portfolios;liner programming;theory of constraint;LED displays
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 近年來環保意識抬頭,各國相繼禁用白熾燈泡,導致發光二極體顯示屏(LED display)需求大增;國內各廠為了因應市場的需求,大幅地擴充產能,使得市場出現供過於求的現象,導致其產品單價逐年下降,為了減緩其供需失衡的狀況。擴大發光二極體終端的應用市場,是在國內外眾多競爭者之中尋求藍海的機會。 發光二極體顯示屏是一種通過控制發光二極體的顯示方式,其組成方式就是由多種顏色(通常是紅、綠、藍三色)的發光二極體,透過其閃爍來顯示字元變化,用來顯示文字、圖形、圖像、動畫、行情、視頻、錄像信號等各種信息的顯示屏幕。隨著白光技術突破,照明市場已由單一顏色與不同顏色切換應用至全彩化技術,再加上業者對於傳播的要求改變;大而醒目的訊息及畫面顯示、即時的訊息推播等因素,造就發光二極體顯示屏成為取代平面印刷廣告的龐大商機。 台灣處在發光二極體產業的核心,面臨成長如此快速的市場中,如何在國內、外同業競爭之下,同時兼顧發光二極體產品產量及產能需要下,對既有產品之生產規模及產能配置的方式加以重新定位。本研究將重點將結合線性規劃及限制理論(TOC),制定產品產能規劃之模式;考量閒置機台時間的產能耗損下,求出不同獲利的產品類別在不同生產機台上的配置,以尋求企業之最大獲利。研究結果顯示本論文所提方法不但能顯著提高公司整體獲利,並能將半成品(WIP)的成長控制在一定的範圍內,以達到產品組合優化的目的。
Owing to the raising awareness of environment protection in recent years, the demand of LED (light-emitting diode) displays strongly grows to replace the traditional lamps. Numerous companies significantly expand production capacities to result in the situation that supply is over demand. Thus, the prices of LED products are gradually declining. In order to mitigate this imbalance between demand and supply, one of the best blue-ocean strategies among numerous competitors is seeking and extending more application fields on LED displays. LED displays are controlled through changing LED components to result in combinations of three colors, namely, red, green, and blue. Due to technology breakthrough in technology in the white-light LED, the whole market has been pushed from switching among different colors to multi-color applications. In addition, rising demands on big displays, colorful message reminding, and real-time information communication strengthen the key roles of LED displays and further drive them to replace the traditional advertising business models. As we know, there are numerous LED manufacturers in Taiwan, ranging from the upstream to the downstream. In order to survive in a fast-growing market, companies need to reconsider and reposition their product strategies to face numerous competitors. For instance, determining the optimal production scales with consideration of maximizing profit margins and constrained resources (i.e. machine hours, materials, labor forces, and etc.) is a key issue in this field. Specifically, this dissertation combines linear programming with the theory of constraint (TOC) to accomplish the aforementioned goal. Experimental results show that the presented method in optimizing product portfolios can not only significantly improve the profitability of a company but also control the increase of the WIP (work in process).