Title: 事件行銷中品牌經驗,品牌共鳴與品牌忠誠度之關係研究: 以HTC 體驗行銷活動為例
The relationships among brand experience, brand resonance and brand loyalty in event marketing.
Authors: 賴韋勳
Lai, Wei-Hsun
Chang, Chia-Chi
Shieh, Hwai-Shuh
Keywords: 體驗行銷;事件行銷;品牌忠誠度;experiential marketing;event marketing;brand loyalty
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 近年來,體驗行銷已成台灣企業行銷策略的主流,從傳統行銷轉變為體驗行銷的背後主因可歸因至台灣人所得提高,對於物質需求不再僅是追求產品功能或者服務,而是當下購買行為的經驗感受。然而,台灣許多企業卻總用折扣或者組合銷售的促銷活動吸引消費者,如此般的經驗僅加深消費者在價格上的偏頗經驗。一個成功的行銷,應該在消費者購買商品或者提供服務的同時,給予其難忘的經驗,即是體驗行銷。

過去已有不少行銷學者指出消費經驗的重要性,在對於消費者行為有足夠的影響力。可惜的是,在台灣的行銷驗研究中,少以去探討事件行銷背後的潛在因子如何影響品牌與消費者之間的關係。本研究藉由Schmitt (1999)提出的策略經驗模組,以SEM結構方程模型分析各個面向在品牌經驗、品牌共鳴及品牌忠誠度之關係。

本研究結果得出Schmitt (1999)提出的策略經驗模組,對於消費者的品牌經驗在事件行銷中具有正向關係,此外,活動所帶來的品牌經驗亦對品牌共鳴及品牌忠誠度。相信本研究結果可以為行銷業界人士,提供更深一步了解事件行銷背後知識,且知悉行銷活動中消費者對於各個面向的感受都會影響品牌。
Experiential marketing has become the stream of companies marketing strategy in Taiwan. The change from the traditional marketing to experiential marketing is attributed to the rise of Taiwanese income, and then customers demand more than shopping product or service, shopping experience instead. However, Taiwanese corporations always take the low-price competition or bundle discount to attract consumers’ attention. The shopping experience is fragmented while these kind of marketing only deliver price information. As for successful marketing, corporations should offer customers favored product or service with “experience”, called “Experiential Marketing”.

During the last few years, the Marketing researchers have demonstrated the importance of the influence of shopping experience on consumer behavior. Unfortunately, most studies have not explained how the potential factors of event marketing affect the brand relationships with customers. Analyzing the role Schmitt’s (1999) strategic experiential modules play in brand building, the study applied the SEM model to experiential marketing of brand building. Besides, the study conducted a thorough investigation of the definition of experiential marketing to identify these dimensions’ relation between brand experiences in event marketing. Furthermore, the researcher examined how brand experience affects customers to reach brand resonance and brand loyalty.
The results indicate that the five strategic experiences modules dimensions are positively related to the brand experience; the relationships among brand experience, brand resonance, and brand loyalty as well. This could be a contribution for marketing practitioners to improve their knowledge about the importance of event marketing and understand the relationship between their brand and customers more accurately.
Appears in Collections:Thesis