標題: F集團的策略探討與成長分析
F Company Strategy & Growth Analysis
作者: 張舜治
Chang, Shun-Chih
關鍵字: 策略;轉型;Jim Collins;Strategy;Change;Jim Collins
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 鴻海,一個從土城發跡,毫不起眼小公司, 如今成為全球的代工霸主地位 ,創辦人郭台銘,憑藉著強烈的使命感,用40年的歲月,打造出台灣最大的民營企業,2013年的繳出了3.95兆營收的成績單。鴻海一舉一動,悠關台灣經濟的發展,如同電子業的火車頭,今後開往何處? 鴻海的營運和公司的同仁,股東、客戶、供應商、往來銀行、兩岸的政府等等,都有連結。思考未來集團的成長之路,除了內部的資源整合運作,強化競爭優勢之外 ; 因應外部的市場環境變化,包含從產業的趨勢、政府的政策、對手的互動、客戶的變遷,今後還有許多成長的挑戰。 此篇論述,放在鴻海的過去的成功、現在的轉型及未來的佈局,三個軸線來分析。 吉姆柯林斯(Jim Collins) , 在其著作上提到的<基業長青>和<從A到A+>,主要探討對其所研究的公司,如何成長 ? 對應到鴻海目前所處的產業戰略位置,到底算優秀還是卓越的公司? 我們來窺探究竟。
Foxconn started from a tiny located at the Taipei Tu-Cheng Company and developed to be a Giant EMS, CEO Terry as founder used 40 years , contributed this big Giant Corps. As Year 2013, Foxconn reached NT3,950 Billion Revenue base. Foxconn movement is related to Taiwanese Economy development, as a locomotive for Taiwan Electronic Business, Where does that head for ? Foxconn operation come with employee、shareholders、customers、 suppliers、bankers and government with Mainland and Taiwan。 We think about Foxconn challenge included company inside resource consolidated ,and outside market movement with industry trend, government policy,competitor correlation,cusomter change 。 This article, we analyzed Foxconn’s past, now and future, as Jim Collins entitled for “Built to Last” “Good to Great”, Foxconn is a good or outstanding company, We can see how they work ?