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dc.contributor.authorLin, Pu-Kangen_US
dc.contributor.authorShe, Hsiao-Chingen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 本研究使用結合數位化科學學習的網路課程,內容為國民中學自然與生活科技之理化課程,探討提供功能性鷹架與否的輔助對於學生找出變因、形成假設、科學解釋與舉證能力的影響。研究將分析學生在課程階段的學習歷程,深入探討找出變因、形成假設、科學解釋能力、科學舉證能力及科學概念學習成效各方面的改變。 本研究採用準實驗研究法,研究對象為四個常態編班班級的國中二年級學生,功能性鷹架組兩班的總人數為49人,無功能性鷹架組兩個班的總人數為55人,計104位研究樣本。兩組都進行四個單元的數位化探究能力學習課程,不同在於功能性鷹架組提供了功能性的輔助鷹架,另一組則無。進而比較兩組在科學成就測驗、二階層科學解釋與舉證能力測驗之前、後、追蹤測和對此數位學習感知問卷及晤談等的差異。同時也針對兩組的學習歷程進行分析,深入了解學生在找出變因、形成假設、科學解釋與舉證能力之上的進展與變化。另有未參與課程的兩班對照組學生56人,與上面兩組進行比較在科學成就測驗上的差異。 結果顯示,有無功能性鷹架兩組在科學成就測驗上無顯著差異,但在此二組與對照組的比較中,在科學解釋和舉證情境問題測驗上,兩組學生都顯著優於對照組。而在二階層科學解釋與舉證能力測驗上,兩組在後測上成績都有進步,但組間未達顯著差異;在追蹤測上,兩組達到顯著差異且功能性鷹架組表現較優。在學習歷程的分析上,兩組在解釋、假設、舉證上皆為功能性鷹架組優於無功能性鷹架組,並且經由人次分布圖發現兩組學生在低分群的人數減少,高分群的人數增加。最後問卷及晤談分析中,兩者結果一致,都顯示學生對於此課程有正向態度且認為並不會造成學習上的困難。 綜合以上結果,本研究顯示無論是否提供功能性鷹架,學生的找出變因、形成假設、科學解釋及舉證能力都能有所提昇,但功能性鷹架組提昇較多,在質與量的研究上都獲得支持。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract The scientific inquiry digital learning content was developed for junior high school science and technology course in order to promote students’ scientific reasoning and evidence-based argument ability. This study is to examine its effectiveness of providing students with functional scaffolding or not on their ability of identifying variables, forming hypothesis, generating scientific explanations, and evidence-based argumentation ability. The quasi-experiment design was adopted in this study. There are 4 classes of 8th grade students were recruited to participate in this study and randomly assigned into two groups in learning scientific inquiry digital learning content, one is functional scaffolding group(49 students) and the other is without functional scaffolding group(55 students), 104 samples in total. All students received 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of science achievement, pre-, post-, and retention test of two-tier scientific explanation and evidence-based argumentation, and perceptions of scientific inquiry digital learning questionnaire. Besides, there’s a control group(56 students) who received traditional instruction and compared with the former two groups in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd test of science achievement. Results showed that there were no significant difference between two groups who has received digital learning on the science achievement test, but both groups significantly outperformed than control group on the part of 3rd science achievement test of scientific reasoning & evidence-based context questions. In two-tier scientific explanation and evidence-based argument test, two groups all made improvement, and the group who received functional scaffolding group outperformed significantly than to the group who did not received functional scaffolding on the retention test. Both groups all made significantly improvement from unit 1 to unit 4. The group who received functional scaffolding performed significantly better than without functional scaffolding in their forming hypothesis, generating scientific explanations, and evidence-based argumentation abilities. In addition, both groups all perceived very positive attitude in scientific inquiry digital learning with few difficulty. This study demonstrated both group indeed made great improvement on their identifying variables, forming hypothesis, generating scientific explanations, and evidence-based argumentations abilities.en_US
dc.subjectScientific inquiryen_US
dc.subjectScientific reasoningen_US
dc.subjectEvidence-based argumenten_US
dc.subjectDigital learningen_US
dc.title探討功能性鷹架之科學探究數位學習內容對學生 科學解釋與舉證能力之影響zh_TW
dc.titleExplore the impact of functional scaffolding scientific inquiry digital learning on 8th grade students' scientific explanantions and evidence-based argumentation abilityen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis