标题: 应用SDRE控制技术于二阶非线性系统之全域稳定度探讨
Study of Global Stability of Second-Order Nonlinear Systems Using SDRE Scheme
作者: 朱韦铭
Jhu, Wei-Ming
Liang, Yew-Wen
关键字: 状态相关系数矩阵;全域渐近稳定度;二阶非线性系统;state-dependent coefficient (SDC);globally asymptotic stability (GAS);second order nonlinear systems
公开日期: 2013
摘要: 本论文探讨二阶非线性系统使用SDRE控制技术之全域渐近稳定性议题。首先,本论文提出使用固定状态相关系数(state-dependent coefficient,SDC)矩阵表示式无法达到全域渐近稳定之例子。接着本论文针对二阶非线性可控系统经由适当的选取SDC矩阵提出使用SDRE控制策略能达到全域渐近稳定之条件。之后本论文也将SDRE控制策略全域渐近稳定之议题推广至更广义的二阶非线性系统,并经由SDC参数的选取将系统转变成逐点 (pointwise) 线性可稳定但不可控的型式。最后,示范如何使用以及成功应用分析的结果。
This thesis investigates the globally asymptotic stability (GAS) issues regarding a class of second order nonlinear systems using the state-dependent Riccati equation (SDRE) control scheme. First, we present an example with the SDRE scheme and a specific state-dependent coefficient (SDC) matrix representation such that the origin is not GAS. Next, by selecting suitable SDC matrices, a condition that makes the origin of a second order controllable nonlinear system GAS by the SDRE scheme is presented. Moreover, the GAS issue is extended to a more general second order systems which is transformed to be pointwisely stabilizable but not controllable through appropriate selection of SDC parameters. Finally, illustrative examples are given to demonstrate the use and the success of the analysis.