Title: 數位遊戲經驗對國小學童PISA閱讀素養之影響
The Influence of Digital Gaming Experience on Primary School Kids’ PISA Reading Literacy
Authors: 梁方琦
Liang, Fang-Chi
Sun, Chuen-Tsai
Keywords: 遊戲經驗;PISA閱讀素養;連續文本;非連續文本;gaming experience;PISA reading literacy;continuous text;non-continuous text
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 數位遊戲與閱讀,兩個看似在性質上無法產生交集的活動,因為近年PISA閱讀素養非連續文本題型的出現,使得兩者之間的連結有了新的可能。廣義來說,閱讀素養應廣泛的涵蓋文字、圖、表的閱讀能力;而早已深入現代孩子生活,甚至令不少孩子廢寢忘食的數位遊戲,就常常有許多圖表出現其中。本研究從近年來所觀察到的遊戲現象與閱讀素養評量的趨勢,提出一個可能的連結,並且探討這樣的連結是否已經達到顯著。 本研究之研究工具為自編之遊戲經驗問卷與PISA閱讀素養樣本試題。 研究結果發現,國小學童閱讀遊戲圖表的經驗對PISA閱讀素養非連續文本的得分沒有顯著影響;而閱讀遊戲中文字敘述的經驗則對PISA閱讀素養連續文本的得分有不利的影響。PISA連續文本與非連續文本成績兩者呈現顯著的正相關。而國小學童在校的國語科學習成就,以及課後閱讀連續文本類課外讀物的經驗對PISA閱讀素養表現的影響力比數位遊戲還大。
Playing digital games and reading books seem to be two activities which wouldn’t have intersection in their nature. However, there is a new possibile link between them because of the appearance of the non-continuous text items of PISA reading literacy recently. Reading literacy should include not only the literacy of reading continuous text but also the literacy of reading non-continuous text, such as tables, graphs, diagrams, maps etc. In the mean time, playing digital games has become a part of many children’s life experience in this digital era and a number of tables, graphs, diagrams and maps could be found in digital games. We pose a possible connection from the phenomenon of children’s game playing and the attendancy of PISA assessment on reading literacy and try to explore whether this connection has shown significance or not. The instruments used in this research are the researcher designed gaming experience questionnaire and released items of PISA reading literacy. The results show that children’s reading experience of tables, graphs and maps in games has no significant influence on their grades of non-continuous text of PISA reading literacy. Nevertheless, children’s reading experience of text in games has significant negtive influence on their grades of continuous text of PISA reading literacy. The grades of continuous text and non-continuous text of PISA reading literacy show significant positive relevance. Besides, Children’s PISA reading literacy is more influenced by their Chinese learning achievement at school and their continuous text reading experience after class than by their digital gaming experience.
Appears in Collections:Thesis