Title: 平板即時回饋系統融入教學對國中教師之科技學科教學知識(TPACK)與對學生個人與情境興趣之影響
The effect of implementing tablet IRS in classroom instruction on junior high school teachers' TPACK and students' personal and situational interest
Authors: 鄭宇廷
Yu-Ting Cheng
Jerry Chih-Yuan Sun
Keywords: 平板即時回饋系統;科技學科教學知識;學習興趣;tablet IRS;Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge;learning interest
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 本研究旨在探討平板即時回饋系統融入課堂,對國中教師之科技學科教學知識(TPACK)與對學生個人與情境興趣之影響。參與者為162位國中七、八年級學生及八位國中教師。透過半結構式質性訪談,訪談八位教師於平板即時回饋系統融入課程之教學流程。另透過學習興趣問卷,探討平板即時回饋系統融入課堂之前與之後的差異,以及對學生之個人學習興趣與情境學習興趣之影響。此外,透過不同學科對個人學習興趣與情境學習興趣之預測,探討教師使用之教學模式對學習者之個人學習興趣與情境學習興趣的影響。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of implementing tablet IRS in classroom instruction on junior high school teachers' Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) and students' personal and situational interest. Participants were 162 junior high school students and eight teachers. Semi-structured interview with eight junior high school teachers was conducted to understand how participating teachers implement tablet IRS in their classroom instruction. Learning interest survey was completed by the students to investigate the effect of implementing tablet IRS on students’ personal and situational interest. We also analyzed how teachers’ content knowledge and teaching methods may influence students' personal and situational interest.
This study found that 1) course subjects that are more interactive help teachers teach more effectively, 2) teaching students concepts before conducting activities with tablet IRS is favored by most of the participating teachers, 3) tablet IRS is an effective tool to measure students’ performance and support the classroom instruction, and 4) the teaching context has an effect on the instruction with the tablet IRS. The results related to students' interest showed that 1) there was no statistically significant difference in students’ personal and situational interest before and after the implementation of tablet IRS in classroom instruction, and 2) among the four subjects of the courses investigated in this study, the home economics course better enhanced students’ personal and situational interest. It may be that the teacher incorporated the activities which facilitated students’ knowledge transfer and deep thinking into the classroom instruction and that the topics of home economics are associated with students’ daily life so that the home economics course enhanced students' interest.
Tablet IRS is a relatively emerging technology, so there is a lack of related research. Therefore, the results of this study suggested that future studies may employ an experimental design to further investigate the benefits and effect of the tablet IRS. Secondly, future studies may increase the duration of the implementation in order to investigate more diverse methods of teaching with tablet IRS in classroom instruction and further explore how different teaching strategies influence TPACK on the same course. Recommendations and suggestions related to TPACK and students' interest for educators and in-service teachers were also provided.
Appears in Collections:Thesis