Title: 遊戲經驗與學習遷移對數學解題能力的影響-以PISA數學試題為例
The Effect of Gaming experience and Learning Transfer on Mathematical Problem-solving Literacy-A Case Study on PISA Mathematical tests
Authors: 江佳珍
Keywords: 數位遊戲;digital games
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 近年來,線上遊戲是時下青少年的重要休閒活動之一,而「遊戲化的社會」(gamified society)是個大家都已親眼目睹的趨勢,數位遊戲式學習(digital game-based learning,DGBL)也已逐漸受到重視。在遊戲介面中的許多圖表解釋類似於PISA數學試題中常出現的數學情境問題,故本研究欲探討在學生自身的遊戲經驗中所接觸到的數學知識與概念,是否會產生學習遷移的機制,對數學解題能力產生影響。
(1)有較多類型遊戲經驗的受試者,在PISA 數學試題的表現上確實優於較少類型
(4) 「其他類型」此款遊戲在各研究變項均可與PISA數學樣本試題的表現達顯著
The Effect of Gaming experience and Learning Transfer on Mathematical Problem-solving Literacy-A Case Study on PISA Mathematical Tests
Student: Chia-Chin Chiang Advisor: Dr. Chuen-Tsai Sun

Degree Program of E-Learning
National Chiao Tung University

Recently, digital games have become one of teenagers’ most important leisure activities, and the status quo also encourages the emergence of “gamified society”. Now, people start taking digital game-based learning (DGBL) more seriously than before. Actually, the chart information appears in games is pretty close to the situational questions designed in PISA mathematical tests. Therefore, based on transfer of learning, the study would like to explore whether students’ mathematical knowledge and concepts acquired from gaming experience could influence their mathematical problem-solving literacy or not.
Digital games which are popular with students were divided into “League of Legends”,“Counter-Strike,” and “Other Games” as examples in this study. Furthermore, mathematical concepts which players can acquire in “League of Legends” and “Counter-Strike,” were also divided into six parts, including “figure calculation,” “percentage calculation, ” “chart reading,” “form reading,” “currency change,” and “resource allocation.” Respondents were asked to fill out a questionnaire about digital gaming experience and a PISA mathematical test which included six mathematical concepts mentioned above. Finally, statistical software, SPSS 19.0, was used to analyze all the data.
The principal findings of this research are as follows:
(1) Students with more kinds of different gaming experience did better on the PISA mathematical test than those with less kinds of different gaming experience did.
(2) “Gaming test scores” of students who played League of Legends had notable correlation with their performance in PISA mathematical tests.
(3) “ The quantity students paid attention to mathematical concepts,” “the frequency they focused on them” and their “gaming test scores” in “Counter-Strike” had significant correlation with their performance in PISA mathematical tests.
(4) The related variables in “Other Games” also had obvious correlation with students’ performance in PISA mathematical tests.
Keywords:digital games、transfer of learning、Programme for International Student Assessment、digital game-based learning
Appears in Collections:Thesis