标题: 鎂鋁基合金之電子束銲接研究
A Study on Electron Beam Welding of Magnesium-Aluminum-Based Alloys
作者: 吉兆鼎
Chao-Ting Chi
Chuen-Guang Chao
Tzeng-Feng Liu
关键字: 鎂合金;電子束銲接;田口式分析法;灰關聯分析;異質銲接;破斷模式;熱影響區;介金屬化合物;magnesium alloy;electron beam welding;Taguchi's method;grey relational analysis;dissimilar metal welding;fracture mode;heat-affected zone;intermetallic compound
公开日期: 2006
摘要: 本研究係以純鎂、AZ31B、AZ61A、AZ91D及純鋁為研究材料,藉熱擠形(前四者)與鑄造製得12mm厚板,銑除表面氧化層後,於高真空環境對接為11mm厚之同、異質電子束銲件,研究內容分為下列三階段:
The research materials in this study consist of home-made 12mm-thick pure Mg, AZ31B, AZ61A, and AZ91D extruded plates, and a commercial pure Al ingot. The oxide layer was removed from the plate surfaces, and two plates were welded together under a high vacuum using a butt joint process with similar and dissimilar metals welding (SMW and DMW) without a filler. This process created a 11mm-thick weldment. The follow-up research results can be divided into three stages.
Stage 1 indicates that the optimum parameters of low-voltage (LV) electron beam welding (EBW) and the empirical weldment strength formulae for AZ31B, AZ61A, and AZ91D alloys can be obtained by changing one factor (accelerating voltage, beam current, welding speed, and focal position) at a time (COFAAT). The stress and non-stress concentration (SC and NSC) weldments were 78%, 83%, 82% and 91%, 96%, 89% of the three base material strengths, respectively. The harmful SC influence in the weld and grain coarsening in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) reached at least 13%, 13%, 7% and 9%, 4%, 11%, respectively. The joint efficiency and process window of these alloys rank in decreasing order as AZ61A, AZ91D, AZ31B and AZ91D, AZ61A, AZ31B, respectively. Moreover, the distribution of precipitates in the fusion zone (FZ) changes from a relatively small number of scattered particles to a dense population of dendrites as the Al content of the magnesium alloy increases. Alloy weldments break in one of two fracture modes: an irregular FZ fracture, or a regular HAZ fracture. AZ31B usually exhibits the former mode and AZ91D the latter, while AZ61A exhibits both modes equally.
Stage 2 illustrates that Taguchi’s method can not only reduce the number of experiments required, but can also produce precise optimum parameters and predicted ultimate tensile strength (UTS) even when some data points are lost. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) results indicate that the strength of a weldment is affected, in order of impact, by beam oscillation, focal position, stress relief, material difference, beam current, welding speed, and accelerating voltage. Optimal parameters generally include a nonoscillating beam, a focus at the bottom, and no stress relief. Joint efficiency ranks in the order of AZ61A, AZ91D, and AZ31B. Beam current, welding speed, and accelerating voltage exhibit no specific change tendencies. The parameters influencing various defects (and their dimensions) can be individually quantified by linking Taguchi’s method with grey relational analysis. Additionally, most welds form undercuts, root concavities, and pores. Beam energy with asymmetrical Gaussian distribution causes the first two; the latter one result from the dissolution of oxidative precipitates to reform molecular oxygen. The number of pores in the weld pool depends on the number of precipitates and the degassing effect. These defects obviously induce SC in the weld, and may seriously decrease its strength. Furthermore, for comparing between LV-EBW and high-voltage (HV) EBW, the area and shape of the weld cross section are related to the input power and welding speed, and they are not proportional to the input energy.
Stage 3 analyzes the weld differences that the five different materials are welded with SMW and DMW using the same HV-EBW optimal parameters. The formation mechanism for the HAZ in Mg-Al-Zn weldment at 6.0wt.%Al can be classified into two modes: grain coarsening and submicron-sized crystal precipitation. AZ31B exhibits the former mode, and AZ91D exhibits the latter. AZ61A exhibits both modes and forms the narrowest HAZ. Mixing alloys with different Al contents and fluidities causes turbulence in the weld pool when welding dissimilar metals. The weld pool remains porous after solidification. The streaky distribution of metastable (MgAl2) and intermetallic (Mg2Al3, Mg17Al12) phases increases thermal stress and induces cracks which greatly reduce the weldment strength. These weldments therefore tend to follow the regular HAZ fracture mode. However, the formation of intermetallic compounds is improbably harmful, for example Mg17Al12 precipitating in Mg-Al-Zn weld.