標題: wTutorOnline: 一個基於瀏覽器且無須瀏覽器外掛程式的線上家教系統
wTutorOnline: A browser-based plugin free tutor online system
作者: 張原
Chang, Yuan
Yuan, Shiang-Ming
關鍵字: 數位教學;E-education
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 伴隨著科技的進步,數以萬計的應用軟體程式幫助人們達到更好的生活體驗。在教育學習的方面,學習者除了以正規的面對面授課學習之外,也可利用一些電子資源進行數位學習。部落格、線上百科和學習網站等非同步的資源能讓學習者在任何有電子設備的地方進行課後學習,以彌補面對面授課時分心造成的進度遺漏,或是進行因授課時間不足而未進行到課程的補充。另外,學習者也可以使用線上即時通訊軟體來進行同步的學習,利用客製化通訊軟體、線上會議系統或線上互助教學學習網站等服務跟教學者進行即時影像或聲音的通訊來進行遠端學習。然而,這些系統皆需要安裝客戶端軟體或額外的瀏覽器外掛程式才可進行影像或聲音的傳輸,使用者必須在每一個要進行學習的設備上進行安裝才可使用。本研究提出一個基於瀏覽器(browser-based)且無須瀏覽器外掛程式的線上家教系統,利用基於瀏覽器的技術進行媒體資料傳輸,讓使用者只須利用瀏覽器即可使用本系統而無須安裝客戶端軟體或額外的瀏覽器外掛程式。並且整合一些網路應用服務來進行帳號管理、電子白板、共同線上文件編輯和資料同步等應用加上點對點的媒體資料傳輸特性讓系統伺服器端更輕量化。綜合以上幾個特點,使用者可以以更方便的方式利用本系統進行媒合來找到線上教學對象並進行同步的線上教學。
Following with the technology growth, huge amount of application software prod-ucts help people reach better life experiences. In educational use, besides of normal face-to-face learning, learners can use electrical resources to perform digital learning. Asynchronous tools like blogs, wikis and learning websites make learners be able to learn after class to help them make up the lost progress lead by distraction in class or facilitate further learning. Moreover, learners can use real-time communication tools such as re-al-time communication tools, online conferencing tools, and collaborative learning web-sites to perform synchronous learning. However, installation of client applications or browser plugins are needed using these learning tools to perform video/audio connection, which makes users need to install applications in every devices they use. This study pro-posed a browser-based plugin free online tutoring system. By applying browser-based technologies to perform media data transmission, users could use the proposed system without the need of installing client applications or extra browser plugins. And the system integrates services for account management, digital whiteboard, collaborative online document editing and data synchronization to make the server-side more lightweight. With above features, users are able to use the system to find online class participants and perform synchronous learning online.