Title: 適用於視訊多點傳播技術上之無比率編碼機制中短碼長LT碼客製化
Customization of Short-Length LT Codes for Rateless Coding Schemes Used in Video Multicasting
Authors: 王柏崴
Wang, Bo-Wei
Zao, Kar-kin
Keywords: 無率碼;視訊群播;Rateless Codes;Video Multicasting
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 由於短碼長LT碼的解碼行為表現不能藉漸近分析推導,我們研究團隊提出一種以創新的效能評估模型搭配最先進的隨機搜索算法的方式使短碼長LT碼的表現能客製化。而在此研究中,我們的目標是提出一套使用原則讓不同視訊應用下的無比率編碼機制皆可採用這短碼長LT碼客製化技術找到合適的短碼長LT碼。
Based on the fact that the decoding performance behavior of Short-Length LT (SLLT) codes cannot be deduced by the asymptotic analysis, our research team proposed a method that employs a novel performance measurement model and state-of-the-art randomized search algorithm in order to customize the performance of these codes. In this study, our objective is to propose the guideline how to employ the SLLT code customization method to find suitable SLLT codes in rateless coding schemes for different video applications.
In order to demonstrate the way how to derive the target performance requirements of customized SLLT post-codes from the decoding performance behavior of corresponding pre-codes and the rate-distortion characteristics of the test video clips, we designed two examples consisting in constructing composite codes suitable for H.264/Advanced Video Coding (AVC) and H.264/ Scalable Video Coding (SVC).
Appears in Collections:畢業論文


  1. 551503.pdf

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