Title: 知識社群問答文件推薦技術
QA Document Recommendation Techniques for Knowledge Communities
Authors: 陳宇軒
Chen, Yu-Hsuan
Liu, Duen-Ren
Keywords: 知識社群;群體推薦;社會問答網站;PageRank-Like演算法;社群成員知識聲譽;主題模型;Knowledge Community;Group Recommendation;Social QA Websites;PageRank-Like Algorithm;Knowledge Reputation of Community Member;Topic Model
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 隨著社交媒體的興起,社會問答網站已成為常見的知識生產與分享平台。此平台提供之社群服務讓有著共同興趣、需求或專長的使用者可以組成知識社群,而社群成員可以收藏以及分享他們感興趣的問答知識(文件)。然而,每天產生之大量問答文件,使得資訊過載成為重要的問題,因此有必要發展推薦系統來為社會問答網站之社群建議所需之問答知識文件。
With the emergence of Social Media, Social Question-Answering (SQA) websites have become common knowledge production and sharing platforms. This platform provides knowledge community services where users with common interests, needs or expertise can form a knowledge community. Community members can collect and share QA knowledge (documents) regarding their interests. However, due to the massive amount of QAs created every day, information overload can become a major problem. Consequently, a recommender system is needed to suggest QA documents for communities of SQA websites.
In this thesis, we propose several novel methods, called GTPR-based approaches, to recommend related QA documents for knowledge communities of SQA sites. The proposed methods recommend QA documents by considering community-specific features, the relationships between knowledge documents, and documents’ relevance to the communities. In addition, due to the robustness problem of the existing topic grouping method using user-defined tags in Social Media, this study further propose a novel method, called GPTLR, incorporating the community’s latent topics of interest and collection weights based on members’ topical reputations to improve content-based recommendation models.
This research evaluates and compares the proposed methods using a real-world dataset collected from a SQA website. Experimental results show that the proposed methods outperform other traditional methods, providing a more effective and accurate recommendations of Q&A documents to knowledge communities.
Appears in Collections:Thesis