標題: 選擇多寡與說服動機對航空業實施善因行銷的影響
How Choice More or Less and Persuasion Effect Aviation Industries to Execute Cause-Related Marketing
作者: 歸家均
Kuei, Chia-Chun
William Jen
關鍵字: 企業社會責任;善因行銷;選擇;說服動機;決策困難度;corporate social responsibility;cause-related marketing;choice;persuasion;decision difficulty
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 近年來,永續發展的概念對所有企業來講都是一種趨勢,因此許多企業便開始注重企業社會責任這個區塊,而其中最常被拿來探討的就是善因行銷這一部份。我們可以發現部分企業開始讓旅客選擇他們自己想要捐贈的「原因」,而有些企業給予的選項卻多達40種,如此多的選項對旅客而言難道不會造成決策上的困難而降低他們的滿意度嗎?如果會,而企業又因為政策的關係必須和這麼多非營利組織合作,此時又該用什麼樣的說服動機來降低旅客的決策困難呢?本研究利用2(選擇多 vs. 選擇少) * 2(利他說服動機 vs. 利己說服動機)的情境設計來驗證上述的問題,受測者會被隨機分配到一種情境進行問卷填答。研究結果發現,在選項為多的情況下,相較選項少,旅客的決策困難度會顯著較高,進而降低他們對企業的反應;在選項多的情況下,運用利他的說服動機,相較於利己,可以顯著降低旅客決策困難度;但在選項少的情況,不論使用利他或利己都不會有顯著上的影響。藉由以上,本研究結果可以給予航空業一些管理意涵的建議,並了解善因行銷要如何做才會更有效。
Recently, The concept of Sustainable Development has been a trend for all of the corporate. Hence, lots of corporate started to focus on corporate social responsibility, and the most discussed part is called Cause-related marketing. As we can see, some of the corporate started to let the consumers choose the "cause" they wanted to donate. Even some of the corporate gave them as much as 40 options. In this way, would it cause them decision difficulty, therefore, lower their reaction toward the corporate? If yes, because of the corporate' s policy that they had to cooperate with all those non-profit corporate. What kind of persuasion should they use to lower passenger' s decision difficulty? The method of the research is a 2(Choice more vs. Choice less) * 2(Altruistic persuasion vs. Egoistic persuasion) situational design. It was made to prove both of the question above. Respondents will be randomly chosen into one of the situation and finish the survey. The result of this research is, when the choice is more compare with less, the decision difficulty will be higher. When choice is more, using an altruistic persuasion compare with an egoistic persuasion, the decision difficulty will be lower. But when choice is less, whether using an altruistic or an egoistic persuasion, the decision difficulty will maintain the same. As above, the result of this research can give aviation industries some managerial implication suggestions, and understand how to make Cause-related marketing more effective.