標題: | 建築資訊模型於半導體廠房廠務系統數量計算之應用 Application of Building Information Modeling in Quantity Take-offs for Semiconductor Fab Facility Systems |
作者: | 范恩祖 Fan, En-Tsu 王維志 Wang, Wei-Chih 工學院工程技術與管理學程 |
關鍵字: | 建築資訊模型(BIM);半導體廠房;廠務系統;數量計算;Building Information Modeling (BIM);Semiconductor Fab;Facility system;Quantity take-off |
公開日期: | 2013 |
摘要: | 高科技廠房的投資龐大,建廠時程緊迫,若能妥善應用BIM工具,相信其能產生更大的效益。數量計算是成本估算作業中耗時也容易出錯的作業。目前藉由建築資訊模型(BIM)的導入,能有效改善時效性與準確度,惟其領域多侷限於建築結構相關。興建一座高科技半導體廠房,動輒投資數百億台幣,而其中廠務系統的投資占總建造成本 (不含製程機台設備)的60%左右,由此可反應出廠務系統的重要性。惟半導體廠房廠務系統組成複雜,要能建置其BIM模型有相當之困難度。因此,本研究以一半導體廠房為實例,選擇其中二種廠務系統來探討如何建置半導體廠房廠務系統的BIM模型以及其BIM模型應用在數量計算上的準確度為何? 選擇適當的BIM工具是建置半導體廠房模型的第一步,而建立3D物件資料庫是在模型建置流程中的基礎,本研究除闡述其詳細步驟外,在關鍵抉擇部份,也分別提出評估方法,以業主的角度來進行評分,並將其結果與本案例實際狀況相互驗證,顯示方向是ㄧ致的。在最後的數量計算,由模型中產出的物件清單(Bill of Material)中提取數量,並與廠商提出的人工計算結果進行比較。雖然初步結果顯示有一定差異,但進行分析後,了解只要在建模初期確認其目的與範疇並事先與廠商溝通相關數量提報細節,則BIM模型之數量計算能達一定準確度,進而協助業主改善對廠務系統數量計算以及與廠商數量澄清的效率,提升其對成本的掌握度。 Quantity take-off is a time-consuming and error-prone step in the cost estimating process. By introducing the building information modeling (BIM) can effectively improve the timeliness and quantity take-off accuracy, but the practice now is limited to building related fields. To construct a semiconductor Fab need huge amount investment, of which (excluding process tools) over 60% were contributed by facility system installation. It highlights the importance of the facility systems and that would get more benefit if we can utilize BIM in this portion. However, the composition of facility systems in a semiconductor Fab is complex and professional, it create the barrier to build their BIM models. Therefore, via a real case of semiconductor fab with 2 selected facility systems, this study is going to explore how to build a model of facility systems BIM and how about the accuracy when applying this BIM for quantity take-off? Selecting the appropriate BIM tool is the first step and creating 3D objects database is the foundation of a model building process for semiconductor Fab BIM. in addition to describes the detailed steps of process, this study also provide a systematic methodology basing on Fab owner’s view point for key decision making, and the result shows the compatibility to our study case. Finally, In the object quantity take-off portion, a list of the objects (Bill of Material) generated by BIM model will be compared with the output of manual calculation provided by system vendor. Although the preliminary results show that there are some differences, through the analyzing, the variance can be greatly reduced by taking following approaches: 1. to identify the purpose and level of detail (LOD) of BIM modeling in the initial. 2. To communicate with vendors regarding the system quantitative guideline. With the accuracy enhanced, the Quantity take-off result generated by BIM can then help Fab owner improving their capability of cost control in facility systems. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/75296 |
顯示於類別: | 畢業論文 |