標題: 利用中國郵差演算法發展最適之規範測試路徑-以台灣4G電信執照拍賣軟體為例
Use of Chinese Postman Algorithm to develop an alternate Conformance Testing: Taiwan 4G telecom License for auctioning SoftwareUsing of Chinese Postman Algorithm to develop a Conformance Testing System for software: A case study of Conformance Testing for Auction Software Taiwan of 4G Telecom License
作者: 劉勵
Liu, Li
Tong, Li-Ing
Liang, Gau-Rong
關鍵字: 斐氏圖;規範測試;中國郵差演算法;IDEF;Fleury’s演算法;第四代行動通訊執照;可達圖;Petri Net;Conformance Testing;Chinese Postman Algorithm;IDEF;Fleury’s Algorithm;4G Licenses for Mobile Telecommunication;Reachability Graph
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本研究主要目的是針對軟體之規範測試提出一套有效率之自動化規範測試系統。本研究首先根據軟體之規範測試提出軟體設計行為的可達圖,再透過中國郵差演算法進行歐氏有向圖轉換,最後運用Fleury’s演算法產生一條測試時間相當短之測試路徑以執行規範測試,並檢查軟體是否符合當初設計之規定或有任何瑕疵及問題進而影響到軟體運作。本研究以我國第四代行動通訊執照拍賣軟體為例,此範例軟體由國家通訊委員會利用本研究所設計之競價規則建模化,其中競價規則是以通傳法務字第10246010700號訂定的「行動寬頻業務管理規則」為依據,並委託宏碁股份有限公司撰寫第四代行動通訊執照競標拍賣軟體,之後再以本研究發展之規範測試系統測試之,本研究並以Java程式語言實作此規範測試系統,成效頗佳。
The main objective of this study is to develop an effective conformance testing system for software to test whether the software has any flaws that could influence the software running. First, the reachability graph of software behavior was developed based on conformance testing principal, and reachability graph was transformed to symmetry via Chinese postman algorithm. Fleury’s algorithm was then employed to produce a conformance path for the conformance testing with short testing time. Finally, the auction software of Taiwan’s 4G Licenses for Mobile Telecommunication was utilized to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed conformance testing system