Title: 在Android行動裝置上經由汽車OBD-II介面實現車輛物聯網的應用
Design and Implementation of Internet-of-Vehicle via OBD-II Interface on Android Mobile Devices
Authors: 楊子逸
Keywords: OBD-II;車輛物聯網;安卓;OBD-II;Internet-of-Vehicle;Android
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 本論文中實現了一種車輛物聯網的應用,在系統內整合行車紀錄、遠端車隊監控、公路導航及影音服務網路瀏覽等功能。本系統作為一種車用電子系統的原型展示,希望能以行車紀錄以及遠端監控兩個功能來增進行車安全,並藉由整合公路導航及網路影音服務,使駕駛無須頻繁在各個不同的裝置間轉換,增進使用者體驗。
本系統主要以Android行動裝置作為實現平台。首先Android行動裝置會與市售的OBD-II模組以WiFi相連接,藉以取得當下的車況資料,若當下有開啟行車紀錄功能,則車況資料會與GPS定位資訊及影像資料一起儲存起來。遠端監控部分是由Java建構的伺服器來接收整合經由3G上傳的監控資料,經過整理再轉送至監控端Android裝置,讓監控端使用者得以得知所有安裝本系統的車輛的當下車況並以Google Map顯示其位置,做為車隊管理系統來使用。其餘功能則是由呼叫已安裝的其他應用程式來達成。
In this thesis, we designed a kind of Internet-of-Vehicle system, and we integrate event data recorder, car remote monitoring, GPS navigation, media player and web browser in this system. As a prototype of car electric system, we hope that we can increase driving safety through event data recorder and car remote monitoring. And users don’t need to switch between different devices in order to use different function through the integration between those function.
We use Android mobile device to be the main platform in this system. In the first place, Android mobile device will be connected with OBD-II module via WiFi in order to get car information timely. When data recorder function is working, those car information will be stored with video and GPS data. In car remote monitoring part, car information and GPS data will be uploaded to a server (established by JAVA) via 3G network, then transfered to remote monitoring Android devices and display on screen. This function could be used for motorcade management. The remaining function(GPS navigation, media player and web browser) will be achieved by calling other application.
Appears in Collections:Thesis