DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChou, Ching-Liehen_US
dc.contributor.authorDing, Cherngen_US
dc.description.abstract地球暖化的問題日益嚴重,人們的環保意識逐漸抬頭,且油價不斷飆漲,甚至有能源枯竭的危機,因此,近年來全球掀起了一股電動汽車的熱潮,而其中又以使用電池來運作的零炭排放量純電動車(Pure Electric Vehicle,PEV)最為環保。我國也趁勢搭上了這股熱潮,政府在台積極推廣智慧電動車計畫已達3年,期間催生了11家電動車廠商,誕生了300輛電動車參與政府所主導的電動車先導運行計畫,但截至目前,純電動車仍然無法上市,因此目前純電動汽車對一般民眾的銷售成績仍然掛零。在純電動車尚未量產並販售給一般民眾之前,本研究欲觀察一般大眾對純電動車的接受程度,提供管理意函給業界參考。故本研究將以 Ajzen 的計畫行為理論(TPB)為基礎,並納入「新產品屬性」、「知覺風險」及「環保意識」等構念,探討消費者對純電動車的使用意圖。研究結果顯示,主觀規範、知覺行為控制及使用態度會正向影響消費者對於純電動車的使用意圖,新產品屬性則會影響消費者對於純電動車的使用態度與使用意圖,知覺風險則會負向影響消費者對於電動車的知覺行為控制與使用意圖,而環保意識對於消費者採用電動車的使用態度與使用意圖則沒有顯著的影響。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith global warming worsening, the awareness of environmental consciousness rises. Besides, the oil price keeps raising, which induces energy depletion crisis. Consequently, electric vehicle market is now in a rapid growth on a global scale in recent years. Especially pure electric vehicle (PEV), which is zero carbon emissions type of electric vehicle and operated as all-electric vehicle, is the most environmentally friendly. Thus, Taiwanese government formed a government-led electric vehicle program, named pilot project for intelligent electric vehicle (PPFIEV), in order to seize this opportunity to catch up with the trend of electric vehicle market. PPFIEV has been actively promoting since three years ago. As result of PPFIEV, Taiwanese government has helped initiating 11 electric vehicle manufacturers and produced 300 electric vehicles. However, pure electric car still yet to be commercially marketed and the sales performance among of private sector are still placed at zero. This paper aims to observe acceptability of electric vehicles by the general public before mass production of PEV is taking place to the private sector. Therefore, the study will apply Ajzen's theory of planned behavior (TPB) incorporate with "new product attributes", "perceived risk", "green attitude" and other paradigms to discuss the consumer's intention of purchase pure electric vehicles. According to this study indicated that "subjective norm", "perceived behavioral control" and "attitude toward the behavior" will positively affect consumers’ "behavioral Intention" to purchase of pure electric vehicle, "the new product attributes" will affect consumers' "attitude toward the behavior" and "behavioral Intention" to purchase of pure electric vehicle. "Perceived risk" will negatively affect consumers' "perceived behavioral control" and "behavioral Intention" toward the purchase of pure electric vehicle, yet there has been no statistically significant on "green attitude" in relation to attitude toward the behavior "and "behavioral Intention". promoting since three years ago. As result of PPFIEV, Taiwanese government has helped initiating 11 electric vehicle manufacturers and produced 300 electric vehicles. However, pure electric car still yet to be commercially marketed and the sales performance among of private sector are still placed at zero. This paper aims to observe acceptability of electric vehicles by the general public before mass production of PEV is taking place to the private sector. Therefore, the study will apply Ajzen's theory of planned behavior (TPB) incorporate with "new product attributes", "perceived risk", "green attitude" and other paradigms to discuss the consumer's intention of purchase pure electric vehicles. According to this study indicated that "subjective norm", "perceived behavioral control" and "attitude toward the behavior" will positively affect consumers’ "behavioral Intention" to purchase of pure electric vehicle, "the new product attributes" will affect consumers' "attitude toward the behavior" and "behavioral Intention" to purchase of pure electric vehicle. "Perceived risk" will negatively affect consumers' "perceived behavioral control" and "behavioral Intention" toward the purchase of pure electric vehicle, yet there has been no statistically significant on "green attitude" in relation to attitude toward the behavior "and "behavioral Intention".en_US
dc.subjectNew product attributesen_US
dc.subjectPerceived risken_US
dc.subjectGreen attitudeen_US
dc.title結合計畫行為理論與新產品採用模型 探討消費者對純電動車之使用意圖zh_TW
dc.titleExamining Consumer behavior toward Pure Electric Vehicle Based on a Model integrating Theory of Planned Behavior and New Product Adoption Modelen_US