Title: | 3D技術於犯罪現場調查之應用 The Application of 3D Technology in Crime Scene Investigation |
Authors: | 楊劭鈞 李承龍 黃仕斌 科技管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 3D列印;3D掃描;犯罪現場調查;3D Printing;3D Scanning;Crime Scene Investigation |
Issue Date: | 2013 |
Abstract: | 犯罪現場是物證的寶庫,也是嫌犯犯罪的過程,保護物證寶庫是整起刑案重建的第一步,也是最為關鍵的一步,如果現場勘查能夠多一分詳細,就少一分後續現場重建的困難。犯罪現場調查的過程是一連串仔細且嚴謹的工作,如此縝密的工作不能單單只依靠人員自身的經驗與訓練,因為調查過程中很容易在無意間就破壞現場。傳統上,犯罪現場的勘查人員在處理現場時,為了完整記錄現場的原始狀況,必須至少有三名人員進入現場蒐證,三名人員分別負責拍照、錄影和採證,不但耗時且多一個人進入犯罪現場便是多了一分破壞的可能性。因此,我們有必要藉助現代化的科技來幫助調查人員達成讓現場跡證自己說話之功效,落實「科學辦案」之目標。
本研究之研究動機在於透過引入當前流行之3D掃描與3D列印技術,幫助鑑識人員在犯罪現場第一時間從事最高效率的蒐證工作,完整記錄犯罪現場相關證物,解決目前在犯罪現場調查所遭遇之困難,包括:犯罪現場鞋印的保存問題、難以完整保留犯罪現場原始樣貌、犯罪現場傳統蒐證方式精準程度不足、無法於第一時間即時判斷現場物證資訊。本研究內文將分別討論3D掃描與3D列印技術於犯罪現場調查之應用方式,並且從中分析其應用之優勢以及其應用過程所可能遭遇之限制。採用次級資料研究法以及比較研究法作為研究方法,比較傳統犯罪現場調查方法及導入3D技術之犯罪現場調查方法之異同。研究目的則是期望能夠提供相關具體建議給予台灣鑑識單位,作為未來台灣鑑識單位未來引入相關3D技術之參考。 The crime scenes are full of evidences, and it also reveal the information of how the criminals commit crime. Protecting the crime scene is not only the first but the key step of crime scene reconstruction, the more elaborative it has been conducted, the less difficult to reconstruct the crime scene. Crime scene investigation is a series work with discreetness, this kind of discreet work cannot be relied solely on the experience and the training of the forensic staffs, due to the fact that the crime scene could be easily damaged through the process of investigation. Traditionally, in order to completely record the crime scene, it requires at least three staffs to enter the crime scene, one for taking photos, another for recording video, the other for gathering evidences. It takes long time and increase the possibility of damaging the original crime scene. Therefore, we should draw support from the innovative technology to help the forensic staffs to investigate the crime scene elaborately, to fulfill the goal of “scientific investigation”. The motivation of the research is to help the forensic staffs to conduct crime scene investigation in a more effective way through the 3D scanning and 3D printing technology. Moreover, to solve the problems we have encountered now, including: the difficulty of preserving the footprints in crime scene, the difficulty of recording the original crime scene, the low precision of the traditional investigate tools, and the difficulty of judging the information of the evidences immediately in the crime scene. The research aimed to analyze the advantages and the limits of applying the 3D scanning and 3D printing technology to the crime scene investigation, furthermore, the research seeks to provide some concrete advices for the forensic organizations of Taiwan. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/75406 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |