標題: 科技廠房消防共用水系統水錘作用分析之研究
Tech Plant Fire Protection Water System of Water Hammer
作者: 王義之
Wang, YI-JR
Chen, Chiun-Hsun
Chiu, Chen-Wei
關鍵字: 消防共用水系統;水力計算;Surge;水鎚作用;科技廠房;維護保養;hydraulic calculation;Surge;pressure reducing valve;semiconductor manufacturing plants;water hammer;Preventive Maintenance
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 近來科技廠房規模日益增大,一科技廠區內相關之建築群因防護任務不同,設置有不同之消防防護水系統,消防水系統常採用共用泵浦及主管路,以達到節省施工工期及材料成本之目的,而消防水系統操作時產生之水鎚作用之壓力震盪也藉由共用管路於系統間傳遞。
本研究運用 SURGE 水力計算軟體進行消防共用水系統管路內處於紊流狀態之模擬情境,配合上從實際消防設備維護保養過程中,與現場實驗結果驗證,歸納出數種可能造成水槌作用的原因,以提出相關預防措施。
上述情境模擬分析結果顯示,消防共用水系統較為關鍵的水鎚發生情況為消防人員操作消防設備之啟動時間錯誤,如時間控制不當,產生 kgf/cm2的壓力變化,此壓力振盪對於系統管路可能造成相當大的破壞。並此壓力震盪藉由主管路內
Due to the increasingly demand of high density usage of property space and cost /energy saving , it is getting common to install the simultaneous water supply requirements for fire protection equipment simultaneous system ; namely, fire hydrants, automatic fire sprinklers, water mist system and fire hose reels served by the same water supply in semiconductor manufacturing plants. Based on the conservative but reasonable observation that a fire event is likely to activate an automatic sprinkler system or water mist system, occupants may use fire hose reels and the responding fire agency is likely to use the fire hydrant system whilst the sprinklers continue to operate the minimum performance of each system will be demanded simultaneously. However, some actions cause rapid change of water demand such as valve open/close, outlet open/close. Based on observations, water hammer occurs when continuous ,rapid or irregular changes happen in simultaneous system .
There are several transient analysis methods, but this work employed only the computer model (SURGE software) to construct models to calculate and simulate transients in a pipeline. Many scenarios and different valve closure operations were applied to the models (with a pump and without a pump in the pipeline) to study the transients.
The analysis shows that the routine fire flow pump tests would cause a frequent failure during fire flow testing. The fact that these failures occur infrequently can be attributed to some careless operation of fire fighting personal for surge protection such as rapid turn off/on. The occurrence of transients can introduce large pressure forces and damage the whole pipe system.
Note that the hydraulic model of (simultaneous system) which is required to design the system can be used to perform a transient analysis and provide the risk evaluation , the standard of operations (SOP) . Therefore, little additional effort is required to perform this critical step and assure safety environment.