Title: 為普適計算設施設計的先進可穿戴式傳感器平台
BodyDyn-II: An Advanced Wearable Sensor Platform for Multi-Tier Pervasive Computing Infrastructure
Authors: 阮英俊
John Kar Kin Zao
Keywords: 嵌入式Linux;耐磨先進的傳感器;藍牙;Embedded Linux;Bluetooth;wearable advanced sensor
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: 在新興的物聯網(IOT)中,無線傳感器是物理世界和虛擬空間之間的重要中介。在許多遠程監視和交互式應用,高速率並龐大的數據流量可能需要從無線傳感器以實時的方式通過互聯網傳送到遠端的雲計算服務器進行處理。這些應用在互聯網的網絡物理系統通常都需要顯著減少的通信帶寬,響應延遲時間與耗電量。 為了有效地解決對通信,計算和電力資源的需求,我們開發了一種微模塊的先進無線傳感器。該傳感器集成了一個功能強大的系統級芯片(SoC)處理器,智能電源管理單元,高精度實時時鐘和多功能外設。這種無線傳感器被設計作為在一個多層普適霧和雲計算基礎架構的第一層。主要目的是在數據還未上載到多層架構中上部層之前執行複雜的數據預處理,包括實時假象和噪聲去除、數據壓縮、甚至特徵提取。此外,嵌入式的實時Linux操作系統安裝讓該傳感器為系統開發者建立自己的計算密集型實時應用程序帶來了熟悉和強大的軟件開發環境。本篇論文介紹了這個先進無線傳感器的設計和開發過程。
In the emerging Internet-of-Things (IoT), wireless sensors are the vital mediators between the physical world and the cyber space. In many telemonitoring and interactive applications, high-rate data streams up to MB/s may need to be transported from the wireless sensors to the cloud computing servers over the Internet and processed by the remote servers in quasi-real time fashion. These applications generally demand substantial reduction of communication bandwidth, response latency and power consumption of these Internet-based cyber-physical systems. To tackle these demands for efficient use of communication, computing and power resources, we developed an advanced wireless sensor which integrated a powerful system-on-chip (SoC) processor, a smart power management unit, a highly accurate real-time clock and multi-function peripherals into a miniature module. This wireless sensor was designed to function as the first tier in a Multi-tier Pervasive Fog and Cloud Computing Infrastructure. This advanced front-end sensor is capable of performing sophisticated data pre-processing including real-time artifact and noise removal, data compression, and even feature extraction before uploading the data to the upper tiers in the multi-tier infrastructure. Furthermore, with the installation of embedded real-time Linux operating system, this sensor provides a familiar and powerful software development environment for system developers to build their computation-intensive real-time applications. This thesis documented the design and development process.
Appears in Collections:Thesis