Title: 含五元環醣類之雙親性分子於凝膠化學感測材料及液向型液晶之合成與應用
Synthesis and Application of Gel Chemosensor Materials and Lyotropic Liquid Crystals Containing Furanose Amphiphiles
Authors: 莊雯琇
Chuang, Wen-Hsiu
Lin, Hong-Cheu
Keywords: 雙親性分子;醣類液向型液晶;膠體應答;金屬離子;amphiphile;carbohydrate lyotropic liquid crystal;gel respond;metal ion
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: 本論文設計合成出一系列含五元環醣類之雙親性分子I-V,其中化合物I、III及V具有水系統液向型液晶相 (高濃度),且具有膠體性質 (低濃度)。結構中所含之醯胺基團及吡啶能夠與陰/陽離子錯合,而達到偵測離子的作用,同時也增加了親水性。藉由圓二色光譜儀鑑定含吡啶配位基之雙親性化合物對於Cu2+有絕佳的靈敏度,除了CD訊號與吸收訊號有明顯的位移和消長之外,加入0.1當量的Cu2+就會有明顯由無色至綠色的顏色變化。化合物III在DMSO:H2O為3:2的比例下形成透明膠體,且加入Cu2+會將膠體瓦解,達到肉眼可直接觀察到變化,而有效偵測Cu2+金屬離子的感測型分子應用。同時化合物III本身的液向型液晶相存在範圍原本高於55°C,而加入Cu2+離子後液晶相至室溫都還存在,證明與離子螯合後產生的結構變化穩定了液向型液晶相。此系統單一化合物即包含肉眼的偵測作用,不需混摻就能運用在化學感測器以及藥物釋放。
We design and synthesize a series of amphiphiles I-V with lyotropic liquid crystalline (at high concentration) and gel (at low concentration) properties. Amide group and pyridine included in the structures give the amphiphiles sensing appications and increase hydrophilic properties as well. We use CD spectra to confirm the chirality of ligands and identify their excellent selectivity to Cu2+ ion. Compound III not only shows significant change in CD spectra and absorbance spectra upon titration of Cu2+ ion, the color also change from colorless to green color observed with naked eye. The gel formed from compound III will aggregate and collapse after adding Cu2+ ion, showing the significant morphology change. And the temperature range of lyotropic liquid crystal phase was stabled to room temperature upon adding Cu2+ ion due to the curvature change of the structure.
Appears in Collections:Thesis