Title: 雲端無線進階系統分散式大量天線分群演算法之設計
Antenna Clustering for Distributed Large Scale Multi Input Multi Output Cloud Random Access Network System
Authors: 陳彥貴
Chan, Yan-Gui
Wang, Li-Chun
Keywords: 分散式多天線;節能;天線分群;DLS MIMO;energy saving;antennas clustering
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 分散式的大型多天線輸入輸出系統下(Distributed Large Scale Multi-Input Multi-Output System, DLS MIMO),藉由眾多天線數目的矩陣,可以提供較佳的能源使用效率以及通道容量,而其中一個主要問題就在於在大數目的天線之中,和降低雜訊的干擾,在本篇論文中,我們提出一種動態的分群演算法,為了提升能量使用效率以及降低來自於不同群組的干擾,而主要的貢獻在於藉由通道狀態資訊和位置來進行分群演算法,並且保證干擾在特定等級之下和較低的預編碼複雜度,在模擬結果中,和相關的研究比較,在頻帶使用效率有80%的改善,而在能量使用效率有20%的改進,除此之外本論文提出之演算法,在於鄉村環境天線密度較低的環境中,因為群組間干擾較低,有較好的系統吞吐量。
Large scale multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems aim to provide high energy efficiency and high capacity by large antenna arrays. The major challenge of distributed large scale (DLS) MIMO systems is to manage the large number of antennas to serve multi-users while mitigating the interference. In this paper, we present a dynamic antennas cluster algorithm for DLS-MIMO systems to save energy consumption and overcome the inter-cluster interference. The main contribution of this work is to provide a methodology to obtain the suitable antenna clusters according to users’ channel state informations and locations. We also guarantee low interference level and low computational complexity in our algorithm. Simulation results show that the proposed antenna clustering algorithm can improve the spectrum efficiency of 80% for cell edge users and energy efficiency of 20% compared with the related works. And the algorithm has better system throughput performance in the rural area because of the low inter cluster interference in low density area.
Appears in Collections:Thesis