Title: 基於步態影像與足壓之被動式輔具操控系統研發
Manipulation and Control for Passive Walking Helper Based on Gait Image and Foot Pressure
Authors: 張邱涵
Chang, Chiu-Han
Keywords: 使用者意圖偵測;被動式輔具;影像偵測;足壓偵測;user intention detection;passive walking helper;image detection;foot pressure detection
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 隨著醫療體系日漸成熟,人類的壽命逐年增加,但也因此產生人口老化的問題,其中,行動不便對於日常生活有很大的影響,如何有效地增強並恢復長者的行動能力是現今社會相當重要的議題,目前已有許多智慧型輔具被開發,本實驗室也基於被動式輔助之高安全性研發出被動式輔具「i-Go」。本篇論文以其為平台開發出兩種偵測系統,分別是使用者步態影像偵測系統及足壓偵測系統,前者由影像追蹤取得足部朝向角度,後者得到足壓的趨勢,並將此二種意圖指標相結合以判斷使用者目前步態階段及行動狀態,再依照意圖的強烈程度由輔具操控系統進行輔助。經實驗驗證,此系統可節省使用者施力並輔助行走在設定的範圍內,進而提升安全性及自主性達到輔助的效果。
With the improvement of the medical care, people’s average life increases nowadays, which also induces the increase of aging population. One of the biggest problem for elders is the lack of the ability of walking and self-care in daily lives. The issue of enhancing and restoring the walking ability of the elders is very important. There are many intelligent walking helpers developed recently. Our laboratory has also developed a passive walking helper, i-Go. The design of passive helper can raise the safety for the user. In this thesis, we develop two measurement systems for i-Go, gait image detection system and foot pressure detection system. The former obtains foot orientation image tracking, and the latter obtains foot pressure. Combining these information, the proposed control system is able to identify the current gait and walking intention. From the experimental results based on using the i-Go, the proposed system achieves the assistance, thus enhancing the safety for the user.
Appears in Collections:Thesis