標題: 傳統五金行如何在現今環境生存─以某S五金行為例
How a Traditional Hardware Store Survives in Today's Environment – A Case Study of S Company
作者: 鄧傑中
Teng, Chieh-Chung
Li, Ring-Kwei
Horng, Ruey-Yun
關鍵字: 五金行;營運管理;行銷策略;Hardware Store;Operations Management;Marketing Strategy
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 台灣早期有許傳統店鋪穿插在街頭巷尾之中,但隨著台灣經濟發展,開始出現大型連鎖量販中心,又隨著科技進步、網路普及發展出新的商業模式─網路購物,在此兩強大競爭勢力的壓迫下,許多傳統店鋪不得不黯然退出市場,但仍有少數店家屹立不搖,持續蓬勃發展,他們有哪些不同之處值得探討和供其他公司借鏡? 本研究經實際訪談本案例主角(S五金行)的老闆,且投身去S五金行工作一年多親身觀察體悟,並實際走訪附近其他五金行,最後彙整而成。本研究內容從S五金行這案例和其他競爭對手進行比較,並分別從「營運管理」和「行銷策略」兩個面向加以探討,尋求永續發展。
There were many traditional stores in early Taiwan stage. Currently many kinds of hypermarkets emerged as the economic development of Taiwan. A new type business model, E-Commerce , popularized with the growth of Internet. Many traditional shops cannot help fade out of the market because of these two business types threats. However, there are still several traditional stores existing and growing continuously. We are interested in these differences which worthwhile for us to explore are. I discussed with the manager of the S Company and has been working in the store more than one year. I observed and visited these other hardware company nearby and then and made a conclusion. Compared with other competitors, S hardware store concentrated on “Operation Management” and “Marketing Strategy” and seek for the Sustainable Development.