標題: IC 設計公司生產與庫存之管理改善 -以X公司為例
Improvement of the production and inventory management in IC Design House-A case study of X company
作者: 陳淑怡
Chen, Shu-Yi
Li, Rong-Kwei
Horng, Ruey-Yun
關鍵字: 限制理論;緩衝管理;Demand-Pull;Theory Of Constraints;Buffer Management
公開日期: 2014
摘要: 大部份的IC設計公司是採取委外生產,從晶圓代工到成品入庫為止。市場需求強勁時,委工廠的交期的不可靠發生頻率愈高,因此產能配置與擴充計劃勢在必行;然而,一旦需求變弱時,過高的庫存與閒置的產能,皆會使得公司內部與委工廠的財務倍感壓力。此情形更顯而易見於消費性電子IC設計公司。以新竹科學園區X公司為例,從公司的業務部門收到銷售的需求預測後, 再提供生產的預測給委工廠商做為備料依據,隨著需求的快起快落面臨許多抱怨與挑戰,且同類產品IC設計公司競爭者越來越多,要如何在此同質公司中取得優勢並有良好之庫存管理與競爭力,成為近來相當重要之議題。本研究以限制理論(Theory of Constraints, TOC)為基礎,討論調整公司生產規劃與庫存管理方式的可能性,以業務的需求預測與過去的出貨紀錄並搭配Demand-Pull及相關條件來訂定目標庫存水準,並根據預測及緩衝管理動態調整目標庫存水準,減低庫存過高的問題與加強生產快速變化的應變能力、改善客戶滿意度,以提昇X公司在同業間競爭力與減低委外加工廠的抱怨與趕貨的頻率。
Most of the IC design companies outsource production from foundry to finished products nowadays. When the market demand is strong, it’s more likely that the subcontractors fail to meet the delivery date due to full capacity. Therefore, capacity allocation and expansion plan is necessary. However, once the demand is weak, excessive inventory and idle production capacity would cause great financial stress for the subcontractors and the company. This problem is common among the IC design companies of consumer electronics. Take the Hsinchu Science Park of X company for example, after receiving the forecast from the sales department, the production department would provide the material preparation forecast to subcontractors. As demand rises or declines, IC design companies are faced with increasing competitors of similar products. Thus, good inventory management is critical for IC design companies to stand out in the competitive market. This study is based on (Theory of Constraints, TOC) to adjust the company's planning and inventory management.