DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorLu, Jui Lienen_US
dc.contributor.authorChou, Chienen_US
dc.description.abstract受惠於網際網路與資訊傳播科技的快速發展,使得多工逐漸變成一種流行趨勢,並引起各方重視。四面八方席捲而來的各式資訊,不斷地干擾與中斷人們的工作及學習進度,知識工作者為求績效表現,必須展現可以同時處理同時發生的多個任務之能力,並解決接踵而來的煩瑣事務;而另一方面,不同於知識工作者疲於應付、分身乏術的窘境,出生被數位科技圍繞的年輕學子則樂於擁抱各種ICT產品。 數位科技產品及無遠弗屆的數位學習環境,雖提供學習者一個行動學習的沃土,但亦隱藏許多使用危機與挑戰。五花八門的資訊造成學習篩選的困難,日益普及的科技載具充斥著多媒體聲光影音的誘惑,容易使學生的學習表現未臻理想。研究指出:數位世代的年青人專精於多工、偏好網絡社交、擅用電子媒體溝通,且有學習注意力分散問題。 本研究目的為瞭解臺灣地區大學生學習時,同時從事哪些多工活動、從事的多工動機,以及多工自我感知程度。在階段一調查397位大學生,經由探索性因素分析以建立大學生學習時,同時從事多工活動、多工動機及多工自我感知量表。為進一步瞭解三份量表間的關係,並驗證其對大學生學習績效的預測力,因此,在第二階段調查兩個不同學習環境共736位大學生,採行驗證性因素分析建構出具備良好信、效度之三份量表的測量模式及結構模式,並將此一模式稱為大學生多工行為量表。結果亦顯示,不同學習環境樣本的多工活動、多工動機有明顯差異;此外,大學生學習時多工行為模式,對大學生學習成績的負向影響大於正向影響。 本研究所編製之三份量表,希冀可作為大學生學習時多工行為之測量工具,同時亦提供大學主管單位一個協助大學生有效使用資訊科技之方式,以有效提高個人之生活管理能力、有效學習能力、時間管理能力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractOwing to the speedy development of the Internet and communication technology, multitasking gradually becomes the popular trend and attracts much attention. The flood of information from the Internet world interferes and interrupts people’s work and learning progress continuously. Knowledge workers, in order to perform well, struggle to cope with the dilemma to demonstrate that they can handle multiple tasks and solve the tedious problems simultaneously; young students, on the other hand, live in the digital age and favor the various ICT applications. In spite of the fact that digital technology applications and digital learning environment provide the fertile ground of learning for learners, challenges of the technology use arise. The growing popularity of technology filled with multimedia sound and light would distract the students from their studies. Past researches indicate that students born in the digital era are specialized in multitasking, prefer social networking, are good at electronic media communication, but suffer from learning distraction. In order to explore Taiwan college students’ multitasking activates, multitasking motivation, and multitasking perception while studying, first, in study 1, 397 undergraduate college students were subjected to an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to develop the three scales which were Multitasking Activities Scale (MT-A-S), Multitasking Motivation Scale (MT-M-S) and Multitasking Perception Scale (MT-P-S). Secondly, to understand the relationship between the three scales, and verify those scales’ predictability for students' learning performance, a total of 736 students from two different learning environments were investigated in the second stage. In this study we used the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to evaluate the stability, reliability, and validity of the three scales of measurement model and structural model, and this mode is called college students’ multitasking behavior scale. The results showed that samples of different learning environments have significant differences in M-T-A-S and M-T-M-S. In addition, college students' multitasking behaviors while learning have greater negative than positive impact on their academic performances. The study also suggests that the scales developed can be used as a learning tool for college students while they are studying, and serve as the indicators for college educators and administrators to better help students use information and communications technology (ICT) applications effectively for the enhancement of dailylife organization skills, learning-efficiency skills, and time-management skills.en_US
dc.subjectMedia Multitaskingen_US
dc.subjectMultitasking Behavioren_US
dc.subjectMultitasking Motivationen_US
dc.subjectMultitasking Perceptionen_US
dc.titleResearch on the College Students’ Multitasking Behavior, Multitasking Motivation, and Multitasking Perception while Studyingen_US