Title: 利用刮刀旋轉塗佈大面積液態製程有機發光二極體
Development of solution processed blade-spin method of large-area organic light-emitting diodes
Authors: 吳湲琳
Keywords: 有機發光二極體;溶液製程;刮刀旋轉塗佈製程;OLED;solution process;blade-spin coating process
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 摘要 利用真空蒸鍍製程製作有機發光二極體為常見的製程方法,但其對於元件大面積化較難實現,因此研究液態製程有其必要性及立即性,本研究之非真空液態刮刀旋轉塗佈製程,此製程設備成本低且能以低材料消耗製作出大面積均勻半導體薄膜。本論文主要目的在以刮刀旋轉塗佈液態製程,製作出均勻發光大面積有機發光二極體,藉由製程的參數調變、材料及溶劑的特性研究、改良實驗器材及設計封裝設備,使元件提高效率及壽命,達到大面積、均勻發光的目標;首先,以小分子材料作為基礎,成功研發發光面積7 cm×7 cm綠光大面積元件製程,元件結構為: ITO / PEDOT:PSS / VB-FNPD/ 26DCzPPy : Ir(mppy)3 / TPBi / LiF / Al,其元件最高電流效率達到28.44 cd/A、功率效率最高9.91 lm/W ,而高分子材料綠光元件,元件結構為: ITO/PEDOT:PSS / TFB/ PVK: PBD: TPD: Ir(mppy)3 / CsF / Al ,其元件最高電流效率達到24.26 cd/A、功率效率最高8.47 lm/W 。
Abstract In general, highly efficiency organic light-emitting diodes ( OLEDs ) are fabricated by vacuum deposition. The cost of such vacuum deposition is however intrinsically high and difficult to be large area. Therefore, solution-process is ideal candidates to fabricate the low-costing, low-material-losing OLEDs with large area. The main goal of this thesis is to make the uniform light-emitting area of 7 cm × 7 cm for blade-spin coating. By modulating parameters, studying characteristics of materials and solvents, improving experimental equipment and designing packaging equipment, the goal was reached. First, using small molecule material as the basis, the large-area green device is successfully developed, the following structure: ITO / PEDOT:PSS / VB-FNPD/ 26DCzPPy : Ir(mppy)3 / TPBi / LiF / Al, the highest efficiency is 28.44 cd/A、9.91 lm/W. Polymer material large-area green device, the following structure: ITO/PEDOT:PSS / TFB/ PVK: PBD: TPD: Ir(mppy)3 / CsF / Al, the highest efficiency is 24.26 cd/A、8.91 lm/W.
Appears in Collections:Thesis