Title: 鈣鈦礦之鈦酸鐵銅鈣合成與材料分析
Preparation and characterization of CaCu3(TixFe1-x)4O12
Authors: 郭峰銘
Kuo, Feng-Ming
Wu, Pu-Wei
Keywords: 鈦酸銅鈣;溶膠-凝膠法;高介電常數;鈦酸鐵銅鈣;Fe3+置換;介電損失;Calcium Copper Titanium Oxide;sol-gel technologies;high dielectric constant;CaCu3(TixFe1-x)4O12;Fe3+ ion replacement;dielectric loss
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 由於業界對於高介電材料的需求是與日俱增,因此具有高介電常數,簡稱為CCTO的鈦酸銅鈣(CaCu3Ti4O12,Calcium Copper Titanium Oxide)便成為最可行的材料之一。本論文是利用溶膠-凝膠法進行鈣鈦礦之鈦酸鐵銅鈣合成與材料分析;基本上,自製的鈦酸銅鈣都可達到與文獻上所報導的材料性質相符合,包含XRD與介電常數等,然而卻發現到進行Fe3+置換的試片,在低/中/高頻的頻率之下,介電常數都是大幅度的下降,表示Fe3+的置換對於鈦酸銅鈣的介電常數不只沒有幫助,反而使其喪失其應具有高介電性質的特性;但在介電損失上,在高頻時,介電損失卻維持穩定,反而比鈦酸銅鈣的狀況還好,而且當頻率越高時,此狀況越為明顯。
With the ever-increasing demand for high-K dielectric materials in the industry, the high dielectric constant Calcium Copper Titanium Oxide (CaCu3T4O12, abbreviated as CCTO) has become one of the most technically applicable materials. This thesis aims to explore the fabrication and materials characterization of CaCu3(TixFe1-x)4O12 through a sol-gel technique. In general, the characteristic of lab-made CCTO is consistent with what are reported in the literatures, However, in the use of Fe3+ doping, the resulting shows a tremendous decline for the emit frequency range. In terms of dielectric loss, the CaCu3(TixFe1-x)4O12 remains stable and its loss is better than that of CCTO in the high frequency range.
Appears in Collections:Thesis