标题: 直流无刷马达无感测器驱动应用于双轴无人旋翼机平台建置
Platform Establishment for Sensorless Control Method of Brushless DC Motors applied to Dual-Axis Unmanned Helicopters
作者: 许甫任
Hsu, Fu-Jen
Chieng, Wei-Hua
Jeng, Shyr-Long
关键字: 直流无刷马达;直升机;无感测;马达驱动;BLDC;Helicopter;Sensorless;Motor Driving Method
公开日期: 2013
摘要: 常见的无人遥控直升机分为电动式及燃油式两种,而电动式遥控直升机具有易于检修、能量转换效率高、震动小、机体轻盈,易于控制姿态等优势,已渐渐成为主流的低成本驱动方式。在不久的将来,在某些不需极为精密的空中任务(例如空拍照片、空中摄影、小范围区域巡逻等)中,以无人遥控的方式取代高成本的直升机人力及物力动员将是一种未来的趋势。为此,本文由现在由于高效率、成本低、寿命长及控制方便等因素而广为使用的直流无刷马达(BLDCM)之驱动方式出发,以无感测器驱动方式来降低马达的成本以及减少系统须搭载的感测器数量,配合设计一低成本且使用元件较少的电路达到轻量化的目的,并且引入DSP以精确控制马达的驱动方式以及配合外部的GPS、IMU等装置来达到机体的姿态控制及建立巡航路线的实验系统平台,希望使未来无人旋翼机的制作更为简单且便宜。
Unmanned helicopter is usually driven by two types of power source, electric and fuel. Electrical remote control helicopter presents many advantages, including ease of maintenance, high energy conversion efficiency, low vibration, less weight and ease of control in aircraft attitude, along with many others, and is gradually becoming the primary choice of driving method. In the near future, unmanned remote control helicopter will replace costly manpower in low sophisticated air missions (such as aerial photography, small area cruise). In this paper, we use a high efficiency, low cost, long life and easy to control motor­brushless DC motor (BLDCM) and apply sensorless control method to reduce sensors costs and reduce system’s weight. We also design circuits with fewer components to achieve the purpose of weight reduction. DSP, GPS, IMU and other devices are applied to achieve the airframe's attitude control and establish the cruise route. Our goal is to build a basic development platform for dual-axis unmanned helicopters.