標題: 論精卵銀行之管制架構與法律責任
The Regulatory Framework and Legal Liability of Human Reproductive Cell Bank
作者: 謝惠雅
Hsieh, Hui-ya
Chen, Chih-Hsiung
Lin, Shin-Rou
關鍵字: 人工生殖機構、冷凍精卵技術、精卵捐贈、指定捐贈、基因篩檢;artificial reproductive institution, sperm and oocyte freezing, liquid nitrogen storage, gene diagnostic, non-anonymous donation
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 近年來隨著我國晚婚、遲延生育之趨勢,使精卵銀行服務逐漸盛行,雖然人類精卵冷凍科技之突破,得以消融生育條件之先天限制,卻也複雜化人工生殖過程中之法律關係,衍生諸多法律爭議,例如美國便曾發生精子銀行所出售之精子帶有基因缺陷,致使子女產出後罹有遺傳疾病的案例。 本文之研究目的,乃欲瞭解對精卵銀行我國對精卵銀行之管制架構,進一步探究管制規範如何強化對精卵捐贈者、受贈者、自存者、產出後代權益之保障,並預防後續法律爭議之發生。是以,本文首先分析我國目前人工生殖相關法規對精卵銀行之管制內容為何,接著探究實際面上精卵銀行是否以及如何遵循、執行法規之要求,最後再探討精卵銀行取得、保存、提供捐贈精卵或自存精卵服務之過程中,倘若發生法律糾紛,於我國法體制脈絡下,應如何歸咎其後續之法律責任等問題,冀能提出我國建構一套更完善管制規範之建議。 本文透過社會科學研究方法中之質性研究法,深入訪談人工生殖實務工作者,以瞭解我國法規範面與實際執行面之落差,並採取文獻回顧及比較法,探討精卵銀行之管制爭議及法律責任,最後介紹國外相關管制規範,期能提供未來人工生殖法修正之借鏡,使當事人權益保障與生殖產業發展之間,能取得更妥適的平衡。 研究發現,我國實務運作上精卵銀行雖遵行相關管制規範,惟其中關於捐贈精卵之禁止指定捐贈、捐贈次數等規範,對採取甚為嚴格的限制,致使實務捐贈精卵來源不足更顯嚴重,亦影響精卵銀行之設置意願,實有值得改進之空間;反觀在精卵捐贈者之招募、酌定捐贈卵子營養費之方式、基因篩檢規範方面,管制卻又過於寬鬆,與本法保障不孕夫妻權益之立法意旨相悖。至於精卵銀行涉及之紛爭處理方面,應釐清當事人間的法律關係,再區分精卵銀行取得、保存、提供精卵服務等階段,分別探究法律責任之歸屬。本文建議重新檢討人工生殖法規對精卵銀行之管制規範,適度調整過寬或過嚴之限制,使人工生殖法規更契合其管制目的。
With rapid advances of human artificial reproductive technology these years, it became possible to collect and store human reproductive cells, including sperm and oocyte, outside from human body by sperm or oocyte freezing technology. The rise of sperm bank and ova bank, however, aroused legal disputes. Such as Paretta and Johnson cases in the U. S., regarding to the mistake of gene diagnostics thus providing donor’s sperm or oocyte from gene disease carrier. These two court judgments showed that the legal liability a sperm and oocyte bank should take during the store and use process of donor’s sperm or oocyte. These legal disputes arouse my curiosity to think about that how to solve the dispute when it comes to Taiwan. Besides, improving regulatory framework by government is also important because prevention is better than cure. This thesis focuses on the regulatory framework in Taiwan such as the Artificial Reproduction Act on prior stage to prevent any disputes, further analyzing the legal liability when disputes occurs. To clarify the realistic operation of sperm and oocyte banks in Taiwan, the study adopted In-depth interview for qualitative research and provided empirical information in addition to literature review. Finally, the study will offer advices to human reproductive cell regulation for better control of sperm and oocyte quality and preventing disputes.