標題: 手持裝置於社區自主防救災之應用
Application of Handheld Devices for a Disaster Resistant Community
作者: 賴怡伶
關鍵字: 防災;社區;智慧型手機應用程式;disaster;community;APP
公開日期: 2014
摘要: 台灣各類天然災害頻繁,使社會及經濟受到嚴重損失,而災害造成大量人命、物質和環境損失。因此,國內自921地震後開始推行社區防災,希望藉由社區防災組織來減少災害發生時的威脅,並透過自主防災組織在平時減災、災前整備、災時的應變及災後復原等,讓民眾瞭解並親身參與防救災工作,使災害發生時的損失減至最低。 村里長在整個社區自主防救工作中是與民眾最接近的角色,必須建立應撤離名冊及通知應撤離居民,甚至是管理整個社區的防救災組織,但目前並沒有實際的資訊系統可以輔助村里長執行防救災工作。 近年來智慧型手持裝置快速發展,幾乎到了智慧型手機普及率達67%以上的時代,市面上已經有許多防救災相關主題的App (Application Program),但並沒有以村里等社區為主的特定小區域範圍防救災App,因此本研究透過文獻的探討及對執行過自主防汛社區的社區里長進行訪問,針對需求設計一套App讓村里長和居民能透過智慧型手機App的使用,讓防救災工作更加順利。
The intensity of natural disasters in Taiwan had not only caused human lives but also brought about significant socio-economic loss and environmental damage. With the expectation to mitigate the impact of the disasters, the public and private sectors have started to promote self-reliant disaster resilient community after the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake. The participation of the citizens in this joint effort could strengthen the community wide disaster mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery capability. During the response phase in a severe disaster, the community leaders in charge needs exact information on the status of the community members in order to facilitate their evacuation or initiate search and rescue in time. It is difficult for the community residents to report their status in the past, thus it was neither a standard nor popular procedure to follow. However, smartphone application program might provide a solution to the gathering and disseminate of information during emergencies, since the smartphone penetration rate reaches nearly 70% in Taiwan and is still increasing rapidly. Recently a few smartphone application programs for disaster prevention have been developed, but almost all of them only issue warning or alert messages and none has been designed for community disaster management. This research developed a smartphone application program specifically to be used by community leaders and residents for emergency management based on literature review and interviews with leaders of self-organized flood disaster prevention communities. This smartphone application program can effectively facilitate preparedness within the community and can save residents’ lives by passing critical information on their status to community leaders.
Appears in Collections:Thesis