標題: 以無線腦機介面探討Ketamine對憂鬱症之療效
To investigate the curative effect of Ketamine for depression by using brain-computer interface
作者: 黃立
Huang, Li
Lin, Chin-Teng
Zao, Kar-Kin
關鍵字: 腦電波;憂鬱症;K他命;大腦側化;壓力;θ波能量;α波能量;β波能量;EEG;depression;Ketamine;brain asymmetry;pressure;θ band;α band;β band
公開日期: 2014
摘要: 在我們的日常生活中,壓力是無所不在的,對於正常人來說,小小的壓力或許可以開發出更多的個人潛能,但是當無法承受的時候,便是所謂的憂鬱症;憂鬱症乍聽之下似乎沒什麼,但嚴重的可能會有自殺的風險。對於這類的患者,尋求一個快速並有效的治療方法是一個很重要的議題,文獻中k它命(Ketamine)是快速有效的治療藥物之一,但並非對每一個患者都是有效的,施打後還是需要幾週的持續觀察才能確認是否該藥物可以改善此患者的憂鬱狀況。因此,在短時間內確認k它命是否可以讓病患在一段時間內持續有治療效果,縮短k它命無法改善憂鬱狀態需採用其他種療程的等待時間,本論文的主要目的,在於探討Ketamine對憂鬱症之療效。 本研究紀錄受測者在整個療程各個階段的腦波(electroencephalogram),搭配憂鬱症問卷的結果做分析比較,逐步排除因為安慰劑作用、純粹K他命藥物本身的影響。我們透過K他命治療的過程中,可以在有改善的病人身上觀察到顯著的大腦側化現象(θ頻段、α頻段、β頻段)與病人的憂鬱症改善程度成線性關係;以及θ頻段在治療前若是大腦側化現象很明顯,或許就不適使用K他命去做治療。由本研究對於憂鬱症治療的改善程度以腦電波的方式去判斷,會比傳統問卷較為客觀,並由腦電波去預測藥效持續的一段時間內,病人是真的有改善的,若是無效就可馬上換另一種療程,因而縮短病人的治療觀察時間,爭取到寶貴的及早治療時間。
In our daily life, stress is everywhere. For normal people, perhaps a little pressure can develop more individual potential. When people can not bear anymore, that is what we called, Depression. It sounds not a big deal, so people always ignore it until somebody commits suicide. For this kind of patient, there is nothing more important than looking for a quick and effective therapy. In previous study, Ketamine is one kind of solution, but it is not suit for every one. We still need couple of weeks to make sure if Ketamine can improve the condition. Thus, this study is focus on how to confirm the curative effect of Ketamine in a short time and shorten the Observation period of treatment. This study record several stages of electroencephalogram (EEG) data, and than conclude with the result of the Questionnaires, excludes placebo effect and Ketamine effect. In this experiment, we find that brain asymmetry (α band, β band, and θ band) and improvement have linear relation in responder. And if the patient’s baseline EEG can find obviously brain asymmetry, this one should not treat by Ketamine. Using EEG data to determine the improvement of therapy is more objective than traditional Questionnaires and to predict if Ketamine works in short time, it can earns the most of precious thing, time.