標題: 以金屬表面電漿侷限之奈米雷射的研究
Study of nanolasers confined by surface plasmon metal claddings
作者: 楊俊庭
Yang, Chun-Ting
Lu, Tien-Chang
關鍵字: 表面電漿;氧化鋅;金屬共振腔;半導體雷射;奈米線;surface plasmon;ZnO;metallic cavity;semiconducter laser;nanowire
公開日期: 2014
摘要: 在這篇論文中我們分為兩部分,第一部分利用銀有帶間吸收在紫外光波段造成大的色散特性,製作出室溫紫外光波段表面電漿奈米雷射,發光波段為 3.324 eV (373nm),閾值能量為69MW/cm2,線寬0.4nm,我們相信若能有更佳的設計我們的結構並改進製的條件,可以做出高於室溫的氧化鋅表面電漿奈米雷射。第二部分對砷化鎵奈米共振腔進行優化,將共振腔由方形柱改變為圓形柱,並對表面進行側壁修復,利用氧電漿氧化和磷酸溶液蝕刻氧化物減少砷化鎵在乾蝕刻時在表面產生的缺陷,對這兩項優化進行討論,並將這兩項優化加入製程中以期能夠製作出電激發砷化鎵奈米雷射,最後對於量測結果分析探討。
In this thesis we have two parts. In the first part, we have demonstrated a room temperature plasmonic nanolaser at UV region using ZnO NW-based structure by utilizing the large dispersive characteristics due to the intrinsic interband absorption of silver. The lasing energy is about 3.324 eV (373 nm) with a threshold power of 69 MW/cm2 and a linewidth of 0.4 nm. We believe refined nanocavity geometry and fabrication process can bring the ZnO plasmon nanolaser to be operated at even above the room temperature. In the second part, we do some optimization on GaAs nanocavity. We change rectangular pillar into cylinder pillar and do sidewall repair. By using the O2 plasma oxidization and phosphoric acid etching, we successfully reduce the surface defect created from dry ecthing of GaAs. We will discuss those two optimization and put them in to process flow in order to produce electrical driven GaAs-based Metallic cavity laser. Finally, we will analysis and discuss the measurement result.