標題: 不同共振模態頻寬之光子晶體於增強螢光之研究
Study of fluorescence enhancement in photonic crystals with different bandwidths of resonant modes
作者: 吳諭安
Wu, Yu-An
Huang, Chen-Shen
Hsu, Ray-Quen
關鍵字: 光子晶體;螢光增強;Photonic crystal;Enhanced fluorescence
公開日期: 2014
摘要: 本論文發展光子晶體增強螢光基板使蛋白質微陣列晶片之偵測極限降低。目前由於要配合雷射激發光,許多增強螢光之光子晶體基板都使用窄頻共振模態之結構來達到較高的增強螢光。然而,建立寬頻共振模態結構的可能性是可以與寬頻光源匹配,如發光二極體,這可以做出更小型的螢光偵測系統。所以,本論文探討具有不同頻寬之共振模態的光子晶體基板,本論文的完成項目包含: 1. 利用嚴格耦合波分析法來最佳化光子晶體的結構, 2. 利用翻模技術與濺鍍製程製作大面積的光子晶體, 3. 利用市售雷射螢光掃描機比較光子晶體增強螢光效益, 4. 利用角度解析螢光系統比較不同頻寬共振模態之光子晶體增強螢光效益。 由雷射螢光掃描機量測結果可以得到光子晶體基板相對於普遍最常使用的玻璃基板可以有33倍的螢光增強;而由角度解析螢光系統量測結果,增強激發程度會與光子晶體之共振模態頻寬呈正相關,但這還需要更多實 驗來驗證。
This thesis is attempted to develop a photonic crystal enhanced fluorescence(PCEF) platform to improve the detection limit for microarray applications. To date, many PCEF platforms use narrow band resonant mode structures to achieve higher enhancement because the laser is used as illumination source. However, the possibility of developing a broad-band resonant mode structures for broad-band light source illumination such as LED can be beneficial for compact fluorescence detection system. So, this thesis will discuss the PCEF with different bandwidths of the resonant mode. The works presented in this thesis includes: 1. Optimization the PC geometries based on Rigorous Coupled Wave Analysis(RCWA), 2. Fabrication of a large-area PC by replica molding and sputtering technique, 3. Evaluation of PCEF using commercial laser fluorescence scanner, 4. Comparison the PCEF with various bandwidths of resonance modes using angle resolved fluorescence set up. The results from commercial laser scanner indicate that using PC slide can enhance the fluorescence by 33x compare to the most commonly used glass slides. From angle resolved fluorescence set up, we found the fluorescence enhancement is positive correlation to the bandwidth of the resonance mode, but needs more experiments to verify the result.


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