标题: | 黑色素及血压检测系统平台微型化之研究 A Study of the Melanin Evaluation and Blood Pressure Measurement System Miniaturization |
作者: | 邵凯宇 Shao, Kai-Yu 黄圣杰 萧得圣 Huang, Sheng-Chieh Hsiao, Te-sheng 电控工程研究所 |
关键字: | 黑色素量测;微型化;转导放大器;Melanin measurement;Miniaturization;transimpedance amplifier |
公开日期: | 2014 |
摘要: | 现今社会中,因为医疗的发达与科技的进步,越来越多人开始重视外表美容的相关议题,特别是脸部的肤质、美白方面的保养,其中美白这个部分,现在大部分希望美白的大众,判断美白程度的方法大多是直观的目测或是使用色卡来判别皮肤白皙程度,缺乏一个客观的仪器去量化皮肤的白皙程度,但是现在的医疗市场中,并没有一种便宜、容易使用而且方便携带的黑色素量测仪器。因此,本实验室致力于开发一个低功耗、非侵入式、使用方法简单并易于携带的黑色素量测平台,目的在于提供一个准确的黑色素浓度标准,让想要美白的使用者,可以确切掌握自己皮肤的白皙程度,并且可以知道自己目前使用的美白产品是否对于降低黑色素有实质的疗效。 而本研究在于将黑色素量测平台微型化,最初目的预计将整个系统做在一颗IC上,方便日后可以跟其他手持装置做结合,但是因为一些不可抗的因素,最后仅完成了部分的电路,提出一颗可以应用于量测黑色素的低杂讯TIA,并结合原系统,增加了量测心跳及血压的功能,提供使用者一个复合式的身体检测系统,除了美白取向的黑色素量测之外,亦有保健取向的心跳及血压量测。 Nowadays, the medical industry is progressive substantially. More and more people start to concern the issue of cosmetology. The skin whitening is an extremely important and valuable topic when the cosmetology is mentioned. In the cosmetic market does not have an objective, quantify and accurate measurement method to measure the level of skin whitening. Therefore, a new cosmetic platform which can measure the quantity of melanin in the skin with a non-invasive way, and the system on this platform can be made on chip which can combine to the handheld device, like a mobile phone, watch…etc. It makes the system be easy to use and carry. This study presents a low noise at ultra low frequency transimpedance amplifier (TIA) which is applied to the melanin system. And add the blood pressure and heart rate measurement function. In other words, this is a multiple physiological information measurement system. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/76316 |
显示于类别: | Thesis |