Title: 精密多功能機器人節能實驗平台的研發與實作
Development of Precision and Multifunction Experiment Platform for Robot Manipulatoron on Energy Saving
Authors: 許裕昌
Keywords: 機器人實驗平台;軌跡規劃;精密;節能;田口方法;Manipulator experiment platform;Trajectory planning;Precision;Energy saving;Taguchi method
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: 科技日新月異,許多科學家不斷致力研究機器人及機器人來取代人力的使用,因此大量的機械人便廣泛地運用在工業領域上,如噴漆、焊接、組裝、搬運等等各種不同性質的工作上。因為機器人對於執行任務上具有高效率、穩定性及高精度等優點,故機器人多是執行重覆性工作為主,如果在每次週期運動可以使用較少能量而達成所需動作時,在長時間運轉下所減少的能量消耗就可以有效節省運作成本,而較少能量可以是減少機器人抖動或是降低馬達電流輸出等等。
This study proposed to develop a precision and multifunctional robot
performance testing platform for investigating the energy saving trajectory
with better motion and control parameters. The robot platform is modeled as a
five DOF system with a part of five links mechanism, one of the heavy
motors is set on the lower link near the base for reducing the loading of the
motors on the base links. All the mechanical parts and gear sets are carefully
design for the purpose of precision applications.
An one-tenth scale robot model was constructed firstly for several
pre-testing cases before the developed of the real model. In the pretesting stage, some typical experiments are implemented, such as (1) motor quality consistency, (2) energy saving trajectory verification, (3) path precision test and (4)equivalent tension support test etc. Based on the pre- study data and quality information, the proposed real model of the robot platform named as NCTU CIDM Robot Platform 2014 (NCRP2014) was thus designed and built up for advanced experiment study. For precision and energy saving consideration, the optimal control trajectory parameters were investigated by using Taguchi method. Quite a few experiment items were planned to search for the best combination of the four major parameters requested by the control system, such as (1) acceleration factor (2) position interval (3) feed rate (4) speed model etc. Several examples based on the best combination of parameters have been demonstrated to be the efficiency improvement on energy saving issues.
Appears in Collections:Thesis