Title: 彎刀鋸齒形遮罩之弦波式光學旋轉編碼器之模擬與分析
Analysis and simulation of sinusoidal optical rotary encoder with a scimitar-jagged shape mask
Authors: 陳胤源
Chen, Yin-Yuan
Ou-Yang, Mang
Keywords: 編碼器;光學;旋轉;遮罩;encoder;optical;rotary;mask
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: 隨著工業精密儀器科技的發展,伺服系統之應用越來越廣泛,本文著重於伺服系統中之弦波式光學編碼器的分析與模擬,利用輻射幾何理論計算與光學模擬軟體ASAP (Advanced System Analysis Program)分析弦波式光學編碼器輸出之誤差,並提出修正誤差之彎刀鋸齒形遮罩設計理論,將輻射幾何理論值與光學模擬軟體的分析結果做比較,最後利用實驗比對輻射幾何計算理論值與ASAP光學模擬軟體的精確性,利用RMSE(root mean square error)誤差分析方法計算與實驗比對的誤差值,藉由實際量測彎刀鋸齒式弦波編碼器之訊號,將輻射幾何理論與ASAP模擬值做比較,在同樣為平行光下其RMSE結果為0.000558,在同樣為擴散光源下其RMSE結果為0.000978,證明輻射理論推導正確,且本文光學模型建置有一定的精確度。
With the development of industrial precision instrument technology, the applications of servo system are more and more widespread. This study focuses on the analysis and simulation of sinusoidal optical encoder, and uses the theory of radiation and optical simulation software to analyze the output of sinusoidal optical encoder. This article proposed a method to modify the error of the optical encoder and designed a scimitar-jagged mask according to the radiation theory. The experiments results are compared with the results of optical simulation software and the results of radiation theory by using RMSE (root mean square error) error to analysis the error. Comparing the results of radiation theory with the results of ASAP simulation, the RMSE based on parallel light source is 0.000558 which is similar to the RMSE based on Lambertian light source 0.049066. The theory of radiation in this study is proved effective and the optical model is accurate.
Appears in Collections:Thesis