Title: 手勢互動指令的人因設計
Designing Gesture-based Interaction Commands
Authors: 魏乃傑
Keywords: 手勢設計;可用性;Gesture Design;Availability
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: 非接觸的人機互動方法中,尤以手勢互動最受期待,手勢是人類溝通過程的本能反應,操作方式簡易且直覺,且不受環境背景噪音干擾。本研究從分析目前人機互動環境開始,逐步評估現有的人機互動程序與功能指令,擷取必要的人機互動功能,強調功能與手勢關聯性,再衡量手部關節活動程度與追蹤技術的限制,提列數個手勢設計規則,發展一組專門運用於人機互動的手勢功能指令。另外,模仿過去文獻研究最常採用的手勢開發方式,讓受試者自由發揮創造手勢動作,經過分析提取一致性最高的動作,歸納成一套使用者自定義的手勢。 確立了兩套手勢雛型後,進行初步先導性研究,探討代表性使用者在互動過程是否合理且順暢。正式實驗中使用綠野仙蹤法(Wizard of Oz),進行情境任務測試,比較本研究以所選物件為規則的手勢詞彙與使用者自定義的手勢,在學習性與可記憶性的差異,以驗證本研究所設計的手勢互動詞彙之可用性。
Among all the no-contact methods, gestures are the most intuitive way, and may not be distracted by extraneous sound. This study starts from analyzing the existing human-computer environment, and extracts the essential functions of human computer interaction from the current process of the interaction tasks. According to the functions and relevance in gestures, we categorize some rules and develop a series of interaction gestures concerning the constraints in technology of hand motion tracking. Then comparing this rule-based gestures with the user-defined gestures to find out which gesture has more consistency. In the experiment, we use the Wizard of Oz to verify the learnability and memorability of these two gestures.
Appears in Collections:Thesis