Title: 增進產學合作創新績效:台灣的實證研究
Improving R&D Innovation Performance in University-Industry Interaction: An empirical study of SMEs in Taiwan
Authors: 張宏帆
Chang, Hung-Fan
Yuan, Benjamin-J-C
Keywords: 產學合作;研發創新績效;中小企業;University-industry interaction;R&D innovation performance;Small and medium enterprises
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: 台灣的中小企業面對全球化競爭的缺點來自於研發資源的缺乏和可持續性。有迄今一直相對很少研究這個領域。產學合作是連結企業和大學的主要平台,利用資源整合達到研發效能提升的創新策略應用。本研究進行了兩種不同類型組織的調查,分別是企業和大學。實證分析方法採用結構方程式檢測研究模式,透過淨最小平方法的分析檢視各個構面之的關連性,驗證研究假設。整體而言,研究結果是符合預期。在大學的實證模式中,我們發現當他們掌握新的市場需求時,能否檢視與重整自身所擁有的技術、資源,將會是提昇研發創新績效的要素。在企業的實證模式中,得知提升研發創新績效的關鍵在於能否整合和重新配置資源的應用,得以所短研發時程,讓開發時間低於同業水準。先前大多數研究僅針對單一群體的研究模式進行討論。而本研究不僅針對研究模式進行分析,更聚焦在企業和大學兩個不同的組織形態進行實證結果比較。本研究採用兩種模式的比較分析,相較以往更能突顯出不同型態組織對於提昇創新績效所需要的能力,將視為研究的重要貢獻。
The disadvantage of small and medium enterprises in Taiwan is confronting global competition is a lack of R&D resources and sustainability. There has thus far been relatively little research into this issue. The category of this study is to find ways how UII can present local perspective in Taiwan. This study applied enterprise and university to divide two models in empirical study, and highlights differences between the two models. This study understand the technique of partial least squares analysis, an implementation of structural equation modeling, was applied to test the measurement model to determine the internal consistency reliability and construct validity of the multiple items scales used to the study variables. Overall, the results have been very positive. In university model, we can find importantly factor with dynamic, that organization has the ability to identify and reforming internal resources available, when they faced with new market demands. Moreover, enterprises must be able to spend the time lower than its peers. In enterprise model, organizations can integrate, change or configure existing knowledge and technology to cope with changes in external competitive environment. Previously, most studies applied just a single measure model to discuss an issue. Our study not only measured the correlation analysis, but also concentrated on the subjects of two models: enterprise model and university model.
Appears in Collections:Thesis