Title: 快速評估建築物耗電工具設計之實作
Design and Implementation of a Fast Estimation Tool of Energy Consumption of Buildings
Authors: 郭冠志
Kuo, Kuan-Chih
Keywords: 耗電;建築物;參數靈敏度分析;工具;Energy Consumption;Building;Sensitivity;Tool
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: 在電費高漲的年代,節能的議題越來越受到重視。以往在進行耗電評估是收集過去的歷史耗電與目前耗電相比,判斷耗電是處於正常耗電或是異常耗電,但是隨著建築物內外環境及人類電器活動改變,都將會使歷史耗電資訊喪失比較可信度,難以制定有效的節電策略。若採用工程學上的分析模擬,動態收集建築物參數,依據目前電器使用情況,即時估算出建築物的耗能,當耗能模型建立後,可以當作耗電的基準(benchmark),讓使用者作用作為節能的依據。但使用工程學建立耗電模型非常複雜耗時,需要取得大量參數才可以建立,且參數數值需要透過量測工具取得。本篇論文研究建築物參數和耗電的關係,透過參數靈敏度分析,找出主要影響建築物耗電的參數因子,進而減少參數的輸入,達到快速建立耗電模型,且保有準確性。本研究設計與實作出以智慧型手機(Smart Phone)當作參數取得的媒介,利用手機上的感測器,例如手機照相機及查詢雲端資料庫,快速取得建築物參數,並傳送到雲端伺服器建立建築物耗電模型,並且分析參數因量測工具所帶來的誤差,對建築物耗電影響。本研究所實做出來的系統,可以快速且方便讓使用者建立耗電基準(benchmark),進而提出節能建議。
More and more people attach importance to energy-saving issue. Energy Management System (EMS) provides historical information of power consumption and detection power state of building which is normal state or abnormal state. However, when environment of building changed or human activity changed, historical information can loss indicate. By engineering analysis, collecting the parameter of building dynamically and calculate power consumption of building in real time. It can help us to build power model or benchmark. But collecting a lot of parameters of building is difficult and take much time. In this thesis, we discuss how to reduce parameters of building form energy simulator. We use Sensitivity analysis to understand the relationship between parameters and power consumption, after we select the important parameters and useless parameters are default average value. Base on EnergyPlus, we present a convenient tool to collection parameters such as querying weather database, getting power rate from appliance’s barcode, people counting and extracted schedule, so we can get parameter very fast. Our prototype can help user to understand power state and alert information in abnormal state.
Appears in Collections:Thesis