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dc.contributor.authorHuang, Wei-Chinen_US
dc.contributor.authorFang, Wai-Chien_US
dc.description.abstract社會人口老齡化所帶來的沉重醫療負擔將會成為下一代夢魘,也為現存醫療體系帶來巨大挑戰,社會急需低成本的疾病預防與居家照護方案,降低未來可能的醫療負擔與門診壓力。而國內心血管疾病長據國人十大死因,同時各國亦遭遇其衝擊,每年全世界約有一千七百萬人死於心血管疾病,並帶來沉重的醫療負擔甚至損害勞動力。世界各國的醫療體系急需獲取早期預防的工具降低心血管疾病風險,以及更廉價可靠的醫療設備。 本研究設計一廉價的可攜式行動穿戴式動脈脈波量測系統,藉特製的三通道近紅外線前端取得體表動脈脈波資訊,並運用調變技術和本研究所設計的數位訊號處理晶片,進而以低功耗取得高品質訊號。而此量測訊號將藉由藍芽裝置向周邊裝置進行傳輸。本研究另透過撰寫智慧型手機應用程式,將該量測訊號加以接收顯示。基於前端特性,藉由分析三通道(指尖不同波長雙通道與指根單通道)的動脈脈波訊號可得出動脈脈波傳導速率、動脈彈性指標、動脈硬化指標等心血管疾病指標,以及血氧濃度、心跳次數、心跳變異律等心血管資訊,未來結合血壓計更能取得連續血壓資訊。而在本研究中所撰寫的手機程式則提供了心跳、心跳變異率(指尖單一波長訊號分析)、血氧濃度(指尖雙波長訊號分析)以及動脈脈波波速(指尖與指根的同波長訊號分析)的實時量測分析,藉此證明本系統的三通道動脈脈波訊號所提供的多生理資訊可有效涵蓋許多以紅外線量測為基礎的心血管生理監測數據。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe significant health burden on society caused by population aging will become a critical problem in the future. This prediction poses significant challenges to the existing health care system. Therefore, society needs low-cost disease prevention and home care programs to reduce increasing medical burden and outpatient pressure. In our country, cardiovascular disease has become the leading cause of death. Cardiovascular disease causes 17 million deaths worldwide every year, which produce a significant medical burden and risk to the labor force of a country. Early prevention tools and inexpensive and reliable medical equipment are needed to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. This study designs a low-cost portable and wearable arterial pulse wave measurement system. It measures three channels of arterial pulse wave information using a special three-channel near-infrared arterial pulse wave front end and utilizes signal modulation techniques and a processing chip designed in this study, which enables the system to achieve a high-quality signal with low power consumption. After a measurement signal is processed by the chip, it will be transmitted by a Bluetooth device to nearby mobile devices or computers. In this study, a smartphone application is implemented to display the received measurement signal. Based on the front end features, by analyzing three-channel (different dual-channel wavelengths on a fingertip and single-channel wavelengths on the finger root) arterial pulse wave signals, the arterial pulse wave velocity, arterial reflective index, arterial stiffness index, and other cardiovascular disease indicators, and oxygen concentration, heart rate, heart rhythm variability and other cardiovascular information can be obtained. In the future, this device can be combined with a sphygmomanometer to obtain continuous blood pressure information. In this study, the phone application provides real-time measurement and analysis of the heart rate, heart rate variability (single-wavelength signal analysis on a fingertip), oxygen concentration (dual-wavelength signal analysis on the fingertip) and arterial pulse wave velocity (same wavelength signal analysis on the fingertip and finger root). It proves that abundant physiological information provided by the system can effectively encompass the physiological data provided by infrared-based cardiovascular monitoring.en_US
dc.subjectarterial plethysmographyen_US
dc.subjectwearable medical electronicsen_US
dc.subjectreal-time monitoringen_US
dc.subjectsignal processingen_US
dc.titleA Portable Physiological Signals Monitoring System with a Customized Low Power Arterial PPG Signal Modulation and Demodulation ASICen_US
dc.contributor.department電子工程學系 電子研究所zh_TW
Appears in Collections:Thesis