Title: | 太陽能廠濺鍍製程機台清潔保養作業時微粒逸散的研究 The study of fugitive particles during the preventive maintenance of the sputtering facility in a solar cell fab |
Authors: | 張坤男 Chang, Kun-Nan 蔡春進 Tsai, Chuen-Jinn 工學院產業安全與防災學程 |
Keywords: | 粉塵;暴露;健康危害風險;Dust;Exposure;Health risk |
Issue Date: | 2014 |
Abstract: | 太陽能產業為國內重要新興產業,在新世代廠房擴建與製程更新時,若忽略職業安全衛生上的風險,不加以鑑別及評估可能的物質暴露與危害,並加以控制及擬訂防護策略,則有可能對作業人員產生潛 在的健康衝擊。
現場除增設吸塵及除污等設備,並於行政措施加強作業管理、人員教育訓練,改善後現場區域環境採樣值及個人暴露濃度皆符合勞工作業場所暴露標準,健康危害風險也由改善前不可接受風險,到改善後為可接受風險。 Solar energy industry as domestic important emerging industries, in the new generation plant expansion and process updates, if we neglect the risk of occupational safety and health on, do not be identified and evaluate possible substance exposure and hazards, and to control and elaboration of protection strategy, it is possible workers on the potential health impacts. In order to understand the occupational exposure and health risks of workers in the workplaces. This study intends to use current environmental sampler and biomonitoring to measure the exposure of workers. Therefore,the purpose of this study includes: (1)Environmental monitoring and biological monitoring for exposure workers. (2)Submission for prevention measures of health hazards in exposure worker. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/76502 |
Appears in Collections: | 畢業論文 |